when they realized they like you

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neil- neil kept his promise to himself and would wait backstage for you to appear, making light conversation and walking you to your car, especially when it was dark. he liked the way you tried to hide your smile when he made a stupid joke, and how you never failed to comment on the sunset. he found himself thinking of you at night, planning what to say when he saw you next, replaying your laugh in his head over and over. this boy was quite oblivious to the fact he liked you until you gave him your phone number and his stomach dropped. he caught feelings for you. 

todd- you and todd hadn't spoken, but brief eye-contact ensued over the next few weeks, eventually giving the both of you confidence to hold up whatever novel you were reading to show the other, and giving a thumbs up or a thumbs down if you liked it or not. one day, you put a note inside of the novel you had been reading and slid it onto the table he was at.

my name is y/n, we should hang out sometime!

he loved your taste in literature and loved to watch your expressions as you read, thinking about the way you chewed your nails when you got to an intense part almost as often as he thought about the small smiles you would give him when he caught your eye. 

charlie- you were quieter than your friend, and didn't speak much, but you did always have a problem with controlling your face. every thought that flitted across your mind would come out in your expression, and it cracked charlie up. he spent the whole night trying to say the stupidest thing he could just to get a reaction from you. it didn't take him long to realize that as much as he enjoyed teasing you, he also enjoyed hearing you read or recite a poem. so you were invited to the cave again, and again, and again, until you were finally made an official member of the society after plenty of begging on charlies part. he wanted to see you all the time. 

knox- after your note, knox spent most of his time asking around about you, who you were, what you liked, etc. we all know that when this boy falls, he falls hard and fast. with the encouragement of charlie, knox finally got the courage to introduce himself one day when he spotted you in the hallway. he apologized for the way you first saw him and you just thought it was sweet how much he cared and how good his friends were. he asked if you guys could hang out more often, inviting you to the study group. 

pitts- both fully invested in the lives of your new baby bunny, you spent almost every day together, eventually being forced to talk about something other than the fuzzball promptly named "bun", you two would talk about life, delving into deep conversations before even knowing each others middle names. he liked the way you tried to find beauty in everything, and how you didn't complain when he rambled on and on about what he and meeks were building. he liked to listen to you talk to and comfort bun, and found himself missing you when you were gone. it took the help of all the dead poets for him to realize he saw more than friendship in you. 

meeks- meeks was fascinated with you, and the way you so effortlessly aced everything you did. he tried multiple times to convince you to teach him more about chess, but you declined. you weren't interested in the redhead at first. he tried everything to catch your attention, throwing notes at you in class, sitting next to you and opening a book he noticed you reading a few days prior. he wanted to spend time with you, wanted to hear how your mind worked so bad, but he didn't know why, until it dawned on him. you weren't just some obsession, some science experiment to him, you were a crush. 

(a/n: i hope you're liking it so far, if you have any requests or ideas, feel free to message me or comment them!)

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