their favourite movie

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neil- though he is teased relentlessly for it, neil loves "clueless" and always impersonates cher to make you laugh. the two of you even went shopping to get some outfits inspired by the movie together. 

todd- todd loves "the perks of being a wallflower" and will always turn it on when he feels sad. you tease him about it being his comfort movie, but it is secretly yours too. it always makes him cuddle you and hold you a little bit more because it always makes him appreciate having someone like you. 

charlie- charlie watches "the outsiders" at least once a month and tackles you into watching it with him. he always pretends he's not crying when johnny dies but he's an awful liar.

"are you crying, charlie?"

"no of course not. i'm just having allergies." 

"what to?"

"uhhhh, blankets."

knox- knox will coax you into watching "hook" at least once a semester, playing with your hair the whole time and repeating "i would never leave neverland" over and over again, clearly very passionate about his love for the fantasy world. 

pitts- pitts loves "beetlejuice" so much that he knows every single line, and will mutter them to himself the whole movie, which sort of annoys you, but you never complain. he plans a whole night to watch movies, and goes all out with the cuddles and snacks, so it makes up for his talking during the movie. 

meeks- meeks loves all of the narnia movies so much, but you are the only person he would ever admit it to. he does try to avoid watching "prince caspian" with you because he doesn't want you to develop a crush on ben barnes. 

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