who said i love you first?

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neil- surprisingly, you. though neil is very confident and open in your relationship, he was afraid that it was too soon. during chemistry, he was your lab partner and kept pretending to drink the chemicals, you were giggling quietly, as to not get in trouble, and whispered the three little words to him. he shut up instantly and his face went deadpan, and you were afraid you said it too soon, until his face broke into a huge smile and he whispered it back. 

todd- you did, the two of you were on a walk, and he was busy pointing out the shape of every cloud and reciting poetry to you when he stopped him and kissed his cheek, mumbling "i love you so much" while doing so. his face flushed and he stuttered the words back to you, holding your hand tighter than before. 

charlie- charlie was big on letting you know every feeling he had at any time of the day, so it was no surprise when you were helping him with latin, going slow and occasionally writing things for him that he blurt it out unapologetically, and rested his chin on your shoulder, you tried to just casually say it back and continue studying but you were screaming on the inside. 

knox- unsurprisingly- and in very knox fashion- knox said it first. when tasked to write a poem for mr. keatings class, knox took the opportunity to show his love to you in a dramatic fashion. when he started to read the poem, eyes on you the whole time, you felt your face flush and shifted uncomfortably in your seat, but you couldn't help but smile at how sweet he was, whispering "i love you" back as he headed towards his seat again, a dopey smile on his face. 

pitts- you and pitts broke into an impromptu game of tag while in the courtyard one day, and there was no way you were going to out run him, with those long legs and all. he caught you around the waist and practically tackled you onto the grass, your faces burning and breaths coming in fast and short, giggling airily the whole time. as you collided onto the grass, he rolled to look at you and tucked a piece of stray hair behind your ear and said it loudly. you kissed him, and said it back, butterflies taking over your stomach. 

meeks- you and meeks had been conversing about whatever thing he was interested in at the moment in latin when he suddenly cut his sentence short and said "i think i love you" before continuing his rant about homeric scholars. you stopped him and asked him to repeat. he looked confused and repeated his last statement about homer and you stopped him again. 

"i love you?" his brows furrowed.

"yes, that." you furrowed your own.

"well, it's true, isn't it? i love you." he took ahold of your waist and pulled you closer.

"well, in that case, i love you too. now, what were we talking about?" you continued your conversation as though nothing happened, but you did feel a little woozy at the thought of him loving you, smiling silently about it. 

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