cooking !

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neil- neil fancies himself a master chef, but in all reality, he cannot cook to save his life. you guys frequently watch cooking shows together and he scoffs and says thats all easy stuff until you actually put him in a kitchen and he is clueless. 

todd- todd doesn't cook often because it tends to make him nervous, but when he does, it turns out fantastic. he usually cooks things his mom made for him when he was younger, especially when you're sick and he wants to comfort you. 

charlie- charlie does not cook, but instead wants to be your sous chef. he isn't always terrible at it, but he certainly is distracting. cooking with charlie usually involves food getting EVERYWHERE and trying to distract you with neck kisses, insisting eating is NOT what he wants to be doing just then.

knox- knox cooks microwave meals and calls them gourmet. his proud little smile when he presents them all fancy on a plate makes them taste so much better though. 

pitts- pitts may not cook, but he is the best goddamn baker you will ever see in your life. he LOVES to bake and will regularly surprise you with little treats all the time. also pittise in an apron making cookies? adorable

meeks- meeks, just like with everything else he does, is a five star chef. he can make extravagant ten course meals with little to no preparation and it never ceases to amaze- and piss- you off. he doesn't see the big fuss with cooking or why so many of the boys hate it, but then again they will never understand him either. 

(a/n: yet another request from the lovely @evvvy_  hope you like it!)

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