little things they love about you

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neil- the way you can never sit properly. neil thinks its adorable how you can't sit in a chair correctly, either swinging your legs up over the side, or sitting with at least one foot underneath you. 

todd- the way you twirl your pencil. you always have to be moving in some way and this usually means twirling your pencil around, and todd adores it, and even asked you to teach him how a few times. 

charlie- the way you can't control your face. he loves watching all your expressions because your face always shows every single thought you have and he thinks it's adorable. 

knox- the way you bite your lip when you're focused. he loves to watch you in class when you're really focused because he knows that you will always chew on your bottom lip. 

pitts- the way you play with your hair when you're bored. either by twirling it, braiding it, or just playing with the ends, he always finds himself smiling while watching you do so. 

meeks- the way you mutter. when you study, you tend to mutter under your breath as you're reading and he loves to watch this, occasionally trying to catch what you're trying to learn and pop in to help. 

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