the boys and kittens!

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neil- neil specifically wanted a hairless cat. neil specifically wanted to name her cymbeline. neil does not know how to take care of a cat. cymbeline is your responsibility now. you don't mind but sometimes neil does when cymbeline comes to you first. 

todd- todd didn't want to get a kitten because he is really adamant about the need to adopt older cats and give them a good life so you end up getting an older cat with arthritis named love. you and todd take turns giving her meds and taking her out for walks in a stroller because she cant walk well. you've also caught todd reading to her plenty of times and you love it. 

charlie- charlie found a box of kittens on the street and decided not to take just one, but took the entire box. the two of you spent a very long time taking care of them because some of them were very sick, and charlie really cared and impressed you at how responsible he was looking after these kittens, even taking night shifts for meds so you can sleep.

knox- knox bought a purebred siamese kitten because he grew up with one and wanted to have that experience again with you. he named her dolly and is training her very well. he is taking being a kitten mom seriously and has made it so you don't have to worry about anything besides cuddles and playing. 

pitts- like bun, you and pittsie found your kitten. you were doing homework one day in your dorm when a soaking wet gerard stumbled into your room from out of the rain clutching a small orange kitten. you named her iris and ended up timesharing the parenthood schedule. she isn't the smartest little kitten, but you love her anyways.

meeks- you rescued a kitten from a shelter, a little kitten named goober, all black except for a small white spot beside his eye. you and meeks adore him, although he is more of a fun uncle than father to goober. the only issue y'all both have with him is that he very much tries to play chess with you guys. everyone knows that no one should interrupt your chess games, including goober. 

(a/n: i got a kitten! my boss found her on the side of the road and asked if i wanted her so of COURSE i took her. anyways y'all don't really wanna hear about that so yeah!)

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