chapter 25

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In the courtyard, Song Qinghan said to Wu Dahu, “What now? See? Do you think he is a good guy? It is such a bad luck to meet a jerk!”

Wu Dahu responded in a helpless tone, saying, “I have no idea about that, well, I mean, they got so many men in their village, but they pick me even though I am married.”

Fortunately, Wu Dahu performed not bad so far, it didn’t arouse the jealousy of Song Qinghan. Song Qinghan then spoke to Wu Dahu, saying, “Forget it, but if they come again next time, just keep the door shut.”

He happened to laugh after his request, thinking of the scene when Wu Dahu instructed him not to open the door for Lin Dafu.

If it wasn’t the matter today, he would think that Wu Dahu was too much sensitive about the presence of Lin Dafu. But now, he could totally feel the same. How could he leave the matter there being careless?

Since such a farce ended, the couple went to finish the unfinished work in the yard, and later, with the sun dipping down, the night fell. They had their dinner done and then went to bed together.

In bed, Wu Dahu pulled Song Qinghan’s feet over on his chest again, just like days ago, pressing the acupiont of him.

Song Qinghan missed the chance when he got up late in the afternoon to witness what they argued about, and he wondered the matter of dowry. He then asked in curiosity, “What dowry did they prepare? It can tell from the head villager’s face that he invested a lot on his son’s marriage!”

Wu Dahu paused for a moment as he massaged Song Qinghan and said vaguely, “Nothing but something like a shop and lands, whatever!”

“A shop?” repeated Song Qinghan, he then thought for a while and continued to ask, “Do you mean a shop in the town? It must be splendid, isn’t it?”

Seeing that he was not unhappy and was just with curiosity, Wu Dahu explained, “Well, it depends. If the shop is in the busy area, it’s worthy at least 500 silver coins. But if it is one in the edge area, it probably equals around 300 silver coins.”

Song Qinghan nodded and continued to ask, “What about the field? How wide the field did they prepare for you?”

“30 Acres, high-quality one.” answered Wu Dahu, as if he seemed to find out the point Song Qinghan was curious about, he continued to say, “It equals around 300 silver coins.”

“Alright!” responded Song Qinghan, he then kicked Wu Dahu slightly on his chest, asking, “What else did he prepare?”

Wu Dahu didn’t hesitate and answered directly, “500 silver coins.”

300 silver coins, another 300 silver coins and 500 silver coins, a total sum of 1.1 thousand silver coins!

Song Qinghan took a deep breath counting. Wu Dahu thought he was pressing too heavily, so he quickly rubbed him on his feet and asked, “Are you okay?”

“You’re worth 1.1 thousand silver coins, YOU’RE EXPENSIVE!” shouted Song Qinghan.

Song Qinghan sighed with his voice soaking in jealousy.

Wu Dahu smiled in bitterness, saying, “This is the way they measure about a man, but I think I am priceless.”

Song Qinghan took a pause all of a sudden and he seemed to realize that he might say something wrong hurting Wu Dahu. He coughed, consoling, “Of course, in my mind, you are far more than priceless. I don’t even care about the money as long as you are by my side. We will be richer than that sooner or later!”

All the grievance and bitterness were swept out in Wu Dahu’s mind suddenly when he heard the sincere words uttered from Song Qinghan. He pressed Song Qinghan’s feet on his chest in an intimate way, saying with a smile, “Yes, we will make it. Let’s sleep now. We gotta get up early tomorrow to the town.”

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