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Hualian was busy in the kitchen, so he got no idea what happened outside. It was not until he noticed that the good-looking femina man had already been in the yard did he finally feel confused. Surprised, he raised his head to look at Song Qinghan, as if to inquire of him the reason.

Song Qinghan knew what Hualian was trying to ask, so he uttered directly, “Prepare another set of tableware for him, and get him an empty room later, he will live with us tonight.”

Though Hualian did not know what had just happened which made Song QInghan change his mind so suddenly, he still nodded obediently. But when he was leading the good-looking femina man the way, he just turned his cold shoulder, more or less.

As he was a femina man as well, he indeed hated the behavior of a man getting any concubines in his marriage. What was worth mentioning was that even though Hualian looked rather soft from his appearance, he was in fact a femina man who possessed an unyielding characteristic. So, at this current situation being temper-controlled was already a bless for this good-looking femina man.

But even so, after he succeeded leading the way, he turned to the good-looking femina man while being rather sullen on face and warning, “Even though we’re not a big family here, you’d better stay here in peace and do not risk yourself wandering around. Otherwise, probably there will be some cats and dogs show up from nowhere and get you bitten. After all, these lovely animals do not know who the real father is to your child in your belly. SO, be nice and don’t mess around.”

Originally, the good-looking femina man had long made his own life being as servant. Living with such a lowly identity for his entire life, he had already got accustomed to behavior of “bully the weak and fear the strong”. So he didn’t get any expressional changes on face but became more obedient instead, and he nodded as if to cater Hualian, “Thanks for your guidance, I have no other merits myself but well-behaved.”

It was an eyesore for Hualian when he saw the good-looking femina man being shy on face. He snorted but said nothing, and then turned around and left the room.

Due to the fact that there was an outsider emerged in the house, the triplets and the mixed-race man didn’t come out to have dinner. And Hualian was responsible for delivering the meal to them directly.

Dagou and Ergou from the village and Lu Sen who was once a guide for Song Qinghan were still present.

Dagou and Ergou got some weight because it was quite a pleasant event for them to live here in such a ‘big mansion’ and enjoyed various delicious dishes. Thus, even though they knew that the mixed-race man had almost recovered, they just turned a blind eye to that. Anyway, Song Qinghan hadn’t made any announcement claiming that the mixed-race man was completely cured yet.

On the other side, Song Qinghan didn’t want them to go back at this current situation as well. After all, they might have known a lot since they were staying at home all day. If they leaked any of the ‘secrets’, unknown disaster might await for this family.

As for Lu Sen, he was not a guy who stayed here purely for enjoying, sometimes he would lend a hand to Hualian and helped do the chores. Probably the reason why he chose to stay was because he wanted to see how things would develop itself.

The good-looking femina man introduced himself when everybody was having their dinner. From his confession, Song Qinghan knew he was an orphan who got a name ‘Lianyue’. And in his latter life, he was lucky to be adopted by a family who lived on performing. From then on, his fate was changed, and he made a living as a performer as well.

Even though he didn’t confess more details about his self-proclaimed ‘misery’ life, both Dagou and Ergou showed a know-everything expression when they took a glance at Lianyue’s belly and then Wu Dahu who got an expressionless face.

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