chapter 40

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“What’s this? It’s no way for urticaria to cause such a serious infection.” Song Qinghan said, pointing at a festered wound on the femina male’s leg.

Upon listening, the femina male was showing a exceedingly painful countenance on his face, clenching his fist and saying, “I cut it myself.”

Not even asking the reason, Song Qinghan could clearly figure out his intention from his expression, he then came to ask, “You think those rashes are ugly, right?”

The femina male lowered his head, while Song Qinghan opening the door and speaking to Lin Dafu, “Please help me deliver the liquor and gauze!”

Standing there dumbfounded, Lin Dafu gained his attention back again when he heard the order from Song Qinghan, he then returned to the carriage and, not long, brought back the liquor jars and gauze in his hands.

Yet, right in the room, the femina male was huddling up himself at the corner, trembling and witnessing Song Qinghan closing the door, murmuring, “What are you gonna do? Do you really have some treatments to cure us?”

Song Qinghan delivered him a kind smile, opening the wooden box and taking out one of the scalpels, he poured some liquor on the blade of the scalpel while speaking to the trembling man, “Let’s not mention the urticaria, if you keep ignoring the festered wound. With more serious infection, you probably will lose your leg and get it cut wholly to save your life.”

Gathering all his distrust on face, the femina showed an extreme astonishment with his mouth wide open. He never expected the seriousness of the festered wound, saying after thinking for a brief while, “It’s just kind of mild injury, I will recover very soon exposing myself under the sunlight for few days. Moreover, inner bones are not involved, how come my leg will be useless?”

“Sunbath?” asked Song Qinghan, surprisingly shocked, “Who told you that exposing yourself under the sunlight could save your life? Sometimes that will be a fatal catalyst, festering your symptom.”

Something seemed to occur to Song Qinghan in a flash while he was taking a pause.

That’s right! The sunlight is one of the culprits incurring the symptom of the urticaria. Moreover, the sun is almost the commonest thing in daily life of everybody. That’s why people refused to blame the sun for the illness.

At the moment Song Qinghan lost in thought, the femina male retorted right away, saying, “That’s bullshit, the sun is the lord, the origin of the life. How can it be the reason? Nobody is able to cure us now, but the SUN!”

When Song Qinghan regained his attention, the femina male had already got himself dressed and headed out to the yard ready for his another round of sun-bath.


Song Qinghan reached forth his arm trying to stop the femina male.

Taking a sudden pause, the femina male seemed to nurse a great grievance, saying while crossing his arms on his chest, “What’s wrong with you?”

Song Qinghan took a clear glance at the femina male, he found that the man in front was a totally good looking guy. Without the sufferings from the urticaria, this femina male probably would have married, getting himself a far more better life.

“What’s your name? How old are you?” asked Song Qinghan.

Facing the sudden question, the femina male was stunned but then came to answer with impatience, “You Yunyun, nineteen years old.”

Song Qinghan nodded, saying, “Alright, You Yunyun, would you like to make a bet with me?”

For a moment You Yunyun stood there little puzzled by this queer request, not knowing exactly what Song Qinghan intended to do, he answered with no earnest, “Say it directly, but I have no money and no food for that bet. How can I make a bet with you?”

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