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Seeing that Song Qinghan was fine, Wu Dahu got released all of a sudden but still frowned tightly, “Is he insane? How can he be so vicious like that using unscrupulous tactics. Did he really think that I will be grateful for that?”

Song Qinghan patted Wu Dahu on the back, comforting, “It’s fine, it’s fine. Let’s talk about something cheerful, how’s your night so far? Was it smooth?”

Suddenly, the wrinkling eyebrows loosened on Wu Dahu’s face, and it could be seen that Wu Dahu came to a smile, he said slowly, “Probably those nobles are going to hate me and regard me as a sting in their eyes. I stole their thunders tonight. And Xing Liyu ignored the others but gave me some advice in the side hall. And after that, I found they all stared at me with their eyes burning with fire.”

Song Qinghan could feel Wu Dahu was really excited about that from his expression. But in the meanwhile he was also a bit worried, he was never able to figure out whether such a “Stealing Thunders” stuff would be a promising or just a CURSE.

Wu Dahu seemed to have found out Song Qinghan’s concern, he approached and grabbed Song Qinghan’s hand, smiling, “Xing Liyu said that he would love to see us in the state capital, he intended to protect us. Han, don’t worry about that. No one dares to set himself against Xing Liyu.”

Seeing that Wu Dahu seemed to have a well-thought-out plan in his mind, Song Qinghan loosened his shoulders and nodded, and then praised with his eyes blinking with admiration, “My husband is always the best!”

The faint candlelight flickered on Song Qinghan’s face, his snow-white and smooth skin was reflected while his cheek was ruddy and tender. And it was right at the moment Wu Dahu finally saw a pleasing picture of “Beauty under the candlelight”. He took a glance at Little Shitou who was now sucking his own thumb and sleeping sweetly, and the next moment he carried Song Qinghan up and threw him gently into bed.

The sudden weightlessness startled Song Qinghan, he was shocked and driven to his wit’s end in bed. At the moment he was about to speak, he found he was locked by the stiffness.

The clothes fell to the ground one piece by another, the candlelight flickered and flickered as the single candle in the room was dying away. And all of a sudden, the candle gave off the last brightness and then disappeared as if it was trying its best to have the last peek at these two men. The darkness overwhelmed the room just in a flash, everything quietened with silence leaving the two fierce rapid breaths.

Though Song Qinghan had expected that the day would come soon and he had always waited for that, he couldn’t help but still be quite nervous and stiffened, as if he was trying his best to break through the uneasiness.

However, how could Wu Dahu, who had been enduring for a long time, let Song Qinghan escape so easily? As he strengthened the force on his wrists, Song Qinghan as a helpless prey couldn’t even move a bit.

They were like two pieces of iron which were all-prepared to melt in the same steelmaking furnace, their body temperature transmitted to each other as they breathed even fiercer in each other’s ear. Finally, the temperature reached its peak, these two pieces of iron melted and mingled. Vapor dissipated in the air.

Song Qinghan breathed heavily in bed, seemingly all his strength was sucked by the man aside, he felt exhausted, moaning, “Water…”

Wu Dahu quickly got out of bed, poured a cup of hot lemon tea and delivered to Song Qinghan.

After drinking the lemon tea, Song Qinghan finally gained a little strength back, but just as he was about to get up to clean the mess. He was fiercely dragged again by his waist, again, he lay on his back while Wu Dahu turned his face at Song Qinghan with both his hands supported on the bed. Song Qinghan was fixed tightly.

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