chapter 85

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“Master!” I’m back! ”

A tender and immature sound rang just as these two annoying old men were wrangling there right at the gate. It was Yuan Wenxuan who sprinted into the yard like a little sparrow.

This young boy was all exultation with a bright smile on his face, but an expression of confusion emerged as he passed those two old men. It seemed that it was hard for him to understand the odd action of them.

However, probably he was too excited back that he didn’t even pay much attention to the other matters, he just raised his face to Song Qinghan, saying, “Master, I’ve learnt a lot today. I discover that something new and interesting can be found if I combine the knowledge of the acupuncture points and structure of human body.”

After that, he took out an Acupuncture Map and grabbed it in hand open, explaining while pointing at one certain spot on the map, “Like here, it is described on the map that this such an acupuncture point which can cause a man a comma. That’s because this point connects two crucial main arteries. And once someone is hit on such a acupuncture point, the circulation of the blood around will be blocked at once, causing the insufficiency of the blood supply to his brain. That’s how it causes the comma. Is that right, Master?”

Staring at the eyes of Yuan Wenxuan which were blinking slowly and wide open, Song Qinghan was shocked.

It wouldn’t be an overstated compliment to say that such a boy was a total prodigy since he was capable of acquiring such a profound knowledge of Western medicine in a rather short time, and in the meanwhile, he was able to combine the basic principle of Chinese medicine and Western medicine while analyzing everything by his own amazingly.

Song Qinghan then caressed Yuan Wenxuan on the head, saying decisively, “Right! You’re right! Well done! You have to keep this passion for studying, okay?”

Yuan Wenxuan didn’t immerse in the compliments of Song Qinghan, but felt a bit humbly shy, he then touched his nose, lowering his head and saying, “Master, I will. I’m just acting so childish. I will check out Little Shitou right now.”

What he had found about the acupuncture point must be nothing for his Master. Instead, he just showed all his excitement as if he had just found some treasure. That’s much childish reaction. Well, at least he should learn to be more steady-typed.

Song Qinghan looked Yuan Wenxuan who was now standing straight-backed, he smiled big, satisfied. But if he found out what Yuan Wenxuan thought right now, probably he would feel quite wry in mind.

If he showed more calmness, probably his Master would be much crazy.

Old Zhu stopped arguing with Old Man Gao as he eavesdropped the conversation between Song Qinghan and Yuan Wenxuan, and then he turned his face to Song Qinghan, asking, “Are you a doctor?”

Song Qinghan showed more willingness to talk to Old Zhu who was more straightforward compared to that “Bully-the-Weak and Flatter-the-Noble” Typed Old Man Gao. He responded in pleasure but didn’t intend to describe it in an absolute way, saying, “Well, not that kind of wholly devoted one but half.”

“Don’t you lie to me, I just saw the words ‘Huichun Shop’ marked on the Acupuncture Map the child grabbed! But judge from your way of talking, you might not be the member of Huichun Shop. That means that you’re the doctor who is able to let Huichun Shop break its rule to enroll your apprentice. You’re probably not a full doctor, but one and a half.” sneered Old Zhu, laughing.

Noticing that such an old man was quite good at analyzing through tiny details, Song Qinghan was shocked, he smiled standing there but kept his silence.

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