Chapter 8 ~ News

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It's Sunday morning and I'm preparing myself for tonight. Tonight was the night we were going to tell Abby what Dylan had done to her best friend.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't about the evidence. We had plenty of that, it was how Abby was going to react to her boyfriend assaulting her best friend right next to her. Both times.

Me and Cole had been texting with Fay, she was going to cook dinner then we would tell Abby the news, and if she was up for it, we would watch her favorite movie.

Fay is such a good friend for doing this for Abby. I know some people would either never tell, or walk away from the friend. But Fay was willing to risk everything to keep Abby in her life which I admire.

Me and Cole used the whole day to back up our evidence and get everything ready. Cole was even ready to be the one to comfort her the most. I'm glad he found someone worth the fight.

He had been fighting for her for so long... it feels good to see him getting closer.

Fay told me that Abby wasn't affected when she found out Dylan was no longer on the hockey team.

Me and Cole head to the elevator and go down to the girls' floor. We get to their dorm and Abby answers the door. She gives me a smile and then looks at Cole with a an unreadable face.

I see Cole getting all nervous "Hey Abby..." He says and nods his head. Still weird seeing these two like this considering the history.

"Cole," she says in a low voice. She moves aside to let us in. Their room is very spacious. It has a living room, a small kitchen, a dining room table, and a door that seems like it goes to the bathroom, and finally a door that's open which is their room.

Me and Cole put the bag we had down. It had all of Abby's favorite candies and snacks. If this goes well, we will be able to put them to use.

"Oui maman, je viens pour les vacances." We are here from the kitchen. I see Fay is on the phone and she is speaking French so I'm guessing she is talking with her mother. (Yes, mom I'm coming for the holidays.) She looks up at me and Cole and smiles "Je dois y aller mes amis sont là. Je te parle plus tard, je t'aime." She says into the phone and hangs up. (I have to go my friends are here, talk to you later, love you)

A/N I don't speak French. I'm using google translate so work  with me haha.

"Hey guys!" She says and welcomes us. We sat down at the dining table. She then serves us a bowl of pasta. "This is my mom's recipe for her vodka sauce pasta. I hope you like it." She says and sits down as well.

All four of us are sitting down at the table. We eat as well as converse with each other. Cole and Fay find out how much they have in common and laugh together. Me and Abby talk about hockey and some good memories over the years, wishing we never stopped talking.

Now for the scary bit. "So Abby, there's a reason that Cole and Elias are here, other than to hang out." Fay says which gets Abby to look at her.

Abby gives her a confused look while Fay keeps on talking. "I- I don't really know how to say this."

I put my hand on her arm as a way to sooth her. "I know you know about Dylan's cheating reputation right?" Abby nods slowly and leans back in her chair looking at Fay in a confused look.

"Well uh, Dylan has been... uh.. He's being very touchy with me when you don't look." Fay says and looks down. She can't bring herself to look at Abby. "There's evidence of it as well" She says and stands up.

She walks towards Abby and shows her her neck. "This is a mark he gave a couple nights ago. After the hockey game, when you guys went to sleep... he crawled in my bed and started to touch me... and he started to kiss my neck and he left a mark" Fay says, choking back her sobs.

Abby seems like she is about to cry but only small sobs come out. Me and Cole look at each other. Coke looks like he could break.

Abby touches Fay's neck and then breaks out into sobs. "That's not the first time though" Cole says and Abby looks up at him with red eyes and tears running down her face. Cole takes out his phone and pulls up the video. Abby takes the phone and presses play.

As she watches she puts her hand over her mouth and sobs even more. After the video ends she gives the phone back to Cole and puts her head in her hands. After a good 5 minutes of Abby sobbing, she looks at Fay and brings her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry I allowed him to get away with that, you didn't deserve that. I'm a terrible friend and I wish I never took him back." Abby cries into her best friend.

"Your not a bad friend, this was all Dylan's fault I don't blame you" Fay says and they cry together.

They pull away and wipe their eyes. "Is that why he's not on the hockey team?" She asks and we nod.

"That, and Cole beat the heck out of him for what he did to you. Cole has to take a break from this game because of the fight." I say and Abby takes a look at Cole. He gives her a soft smile and she leans over and pulls him into a hug.

"Thank you." She whispers in his ear and he hugs her back with even more security.

Me and Fay look at each other and smile. After Cole and Abby pull away we all sigh. Abby starts laughing. "I'm stupid for taking him back." She says and we all shake our heads. "You were manipulated" Fay says and Abby nods.

Cole swallows hard. "We are just glad you are okay."

"Do you wanna watch Finding Nemo?" Fay asks and Abby nods fast and hugs her best friend. We all walk to the couch. Me and Cole sit on the floor in front of the love seat couch with our backs against it, while Abby and Fay cuddle into each other on the couch.

We watch the movie as we eat, laugh, make jokes, and overall be there for Abby. I'm glad that she trusts us enough to believe us over him.

Now we just have to wait for her to break it off with him. Then I can help Cole get his girl.

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