Bonus Chapter 5 ~ A Win And A Lost

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It's my last game before I leave for a while. I'm just taking a couple months off to help Fay when she gives birth and just be there for her and the baby when it's a newborn.

When I found out I was going to be a dad, I flipped and that little twinkle in my heart that did the same thing it did when I met Fay, grew bigger and bigger. I know that both of us are ready for that.

I have wanted kids with her since I asked her out and now that it's actually happening is a dream come true. I know that Fay will be the best mom to our kids, and I know that because she is already a rockstar.

We are finding out the gender when she gives birth. So right now, all the baby clothes are all colors that would fit a boy or girl. I'm a team girl, although not too happy about the fact that I have to be the strict one when it comes to boys.

I also want a girl because, duh, daddies girl.

Cole and Abby recently found out they are pregnant as well. Fay is about 8 months and Abby is 6 months. I hope that we don't end up getting girls and boys because I know what that means. They will fall in love young, then I will have to chase him off even though he will already be family.

It's going to be hard.

I'm right now holding the puck in my possession as I drift on the ice. I make a pass to Cole and he shoots it in. We are tied now and we have two more quarters to play. Every time we make a goal, I look at Fay and blow her a kiss.

Lately she has been catching my kisses and then rubbing her belly. It's so freaking adorable. I'm a little worried though that she came tonight. After the first couple months, she really hasn't been in much pain, until recently when she is now throwing up a lot.

I know it sucks for her because that's her worst fear. I have been on top of my game as a husband doing everything I can to make her happy.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I get rammed into by another player. The whistle blows indicating that that quarter is over. I walk to the bench and grab my water. I see the score and we are losing, not by a lot, but still.

The coach gives everyone their own little pep talk. We get back onto the ice and I decide that I need to get my head out of my butt and play like I always have.

I glide on the ice smoothly as I pass onto Mike, who passes to Dean who makes the goal. We cheer and go for another one. This time Cole passes to me, and I pass to Leo. Yes you heard right Leo. He got accepted last year, still an jerk, but I have to make it work.

Leo passes back to me when I get to the goal, I shoot it and miss. I bring my head down low. The bell rings indicating its over. We lost, I'm a little bummed but I know it's not the end of the world.

Our team does a little cheer and we fist bump and congratulate the other team. I walk to the bench and as I sit down, Leo sits down next to me. "Bad game huh?" He asks and I nod, not wanting to talk to him.

"Yeah considering I'm going to be off for a couple months." I lower my water and I can feel his eyes on me. Probably should not have said that.

"Why?" He asks, he sounds generally curious. Even though Leo is still a jerk, he apologized to Fay every chance he got. He ended up leaving Dylan alone. Fay is still on edge but I know that her good heart has forgiven him.

"Fayette will be going into labor in a month, I just want to give her my full attention and not worry about hockey." I blow out a breath. He nods and says, "I never congratulated you guys on your marriage. I didn't know she was pregnant."

I give him a 'thanks man.' and finish my water. We sit on the bench for a while, while the stadium clears out. I hear footsteps behind us and turn around. I see Fay and Abby walking together , they are laughing at something.

She sees me and walks up to me. I don't think she sees Leo because she wraps her arms around my neck from behind and kisses the side of my head. "You did so good mi amor, it's just one game." She giggles and goes to stand in front of me.

Once she sees Leo, her mouth goes agape and she freezes. She then relaxes a bit knowing that I'm here and I would let anything happen.

"Hey Leo, how are you?" She asks and Leo gives her a smile. "I'm doing well in Fayette, thank you, congratulations on the baby."

"Thank you." She mutters and after a moment of silence. He gets up. "Well I have to go, but see you when you get back Graham. Good luck." He walks away and I get up and wrap my arms around Fay.

We walk to the parking lot after I collect my stuff and I buckle her in. I kiss her head and we drive back home.

We didn't win, but I did in a way. Now I get to stay home with Fay, and the next time I come back, I will be a dad.

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