Chapter 17 ~ Game

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Me and Abby are currently sitting in our seats up front at the boys game. The second half just started and so far we are winning by a lot. Both Elias and Cole have been doing a very good job at keeping the other team from gaining points.

Abby has not stopped yelling at her man for doing a good job. She was so excited because after this game would be their first date. I had helped Abby pick out an outfit for the date. Right now she is wearing a white tennis shirt with one of Cole's jerseys tucked into it.

I love Abby but sitting at a game with her is a whole new story. After Cole would shoot a goal or even do the slightest thing to help out the team, she would say things to me like 'Do you think he sees me?.' or 'He looks to fine right now.' I was so glad that no one could hear her because I would have died in a hole.

At one point I had to put my hand over her mouth and take the nasty glares I got from people trying to watch the game.

Elias and Cole are now racing to the goal. Cole supports Elias as he takes the puck to the goal. At this point we are all on our toes waiting to see if Elias will make the final shot. Elias gets closer and closer and then everything seems to be in slow motion. Elias shoots the puck into the goal perfectly.

As soon as the buzzer starts playing indicating they won. I'm on my feet cheering for the team and so is Abby. We hug each other tightly. The team is celebrating with each other.


Me and Abby are waiting by the portals that lead to the locker room. Abby went to the bathroom to get changed for her date and we were now waiting for Cole and Elias to come out. Families of the players are also waiting for them to come out.

I turn for a second then hear Abby squealing. I see Cole and Elias coming out with their bags and gear. Abby runs to Cole and he drops his stuff. He opens his arms and Abby jumps in them.

These people are straight out of a film. They look at each other with such adoration. I watch as Abby buries her head in his neck as he strokes her hair. She pulls away from his neck and gives him a peck on the lips. Cole gets surprised but pulls Abby in for another one.

These two are by far the cutest people I have ever seen. I hope that Abby and Cole stay together for a while and never let each other go. I'm here for them all the way and I swear if I'm not the maid of honor, ima throw hands.

I wonder if me and him could have been like this if I stayed with him. Would he have shown me this kind of love? Was he the one for me?

No matter how hard I try to erase him I can't. He was my past and I don't know if he will stay there or make it to my future.

I don't even realize that Elias has been standing by me the whole time. I smile up at him as he returns the smile. "They're adorable" I mutter enough for him to hear.

"I know, I have never seen Cole so in love before. Well, correction, it's been a while since I've seen that look on his face for her. He was always scared to look at her with love because of what happened."

"Love?" I ask and he nods.

Abby and Cole are now talking with each other while holding hands. "Hey Graham" I hear from behind us. I see none other than Dylan himself smirking at the two of us. I move and block his view from Abby and Cole because I know that will make him angry.

"What do you want Dylan?" Elias asks and Dylan shrugs. "Just here to congratulate you on your win. Hey where's Cole I wanted to also say congrats he was a big help in the game." But before I could say that Cole was not around two figures behind us approach.

"Dylan" Cole says coldly and I see how tense Abby is. I don't need Dylan to ruin my best friend's first date. "Cole take her please." I whisper and he nods. Not saying anything they start to walk away.

"What was that all about?" Dylan asks. "None of your business." I say coldly and he looks at me then Elias. "Whatever, enjoy your night, sorry for trying to act nice." I scoff at his response. He had no right to say that.

I sigh and so does Elias. We both walk to the parking lot and get in our separate cars. I lead behind him heading to the dorms but see he is making a turn. He is probably going to the team house to celebrate. I would follow him but I'm tired from today and I need a break.

I head back to the dorms alone. I eat my dinner alone. I don't like being alone. But I understand I can't always be around someone.

Hippo - "Hey, make it home safe?"

Elias texts me and I smile.

"I did, you went to the team house?"

"Yeah, just for a couple drinks but I don't think I'm sleeping there."

"Elias please sleep there, I don't need to hear you were drunk driving."

"Fine fine, see you later. Even though I don't get drunk."

"Bye little fairy"

"Bye hungry hippo"

"That's mean"


"I hate you"

"Feelings mutual"

I laugh at the fact he stopped texting me. I went and got ready for bed. I started to read my book when I got a call from a random number. Me being stupid I answer. "Hello?" I ask. The other line sounds like a loud party.

"Hello this is Mike I'm on the hockey team with your friends Elias and Cole."

"Oh hi how are you, how did you get my number?" I ask

"Well Elias has been drinking and he told me to call you but wouldn't give me his phone. Said something about you and I recognized your name. I asked him for your number and he gave it to me. I'm surprised he memorized it since he is plain out drunk."

I internally sign. Eli is always getting in trouble. "And you called me for what?"

"Eli is refusing to stay here but he said he can't drive home because he said you would be worried if he drove home. Nobody here can leave at the moment so I was wondering if you can pick him up?"

I think for a while before answering "I'm on my way"

I'm going to kill him for interrupting my reading time. Why is it everytime the book gets good, im interrupted?

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