Chapter 48 ~ Celebration

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"I love you, be safe and don't let any girls try to hit on you if you decide to go to a bar." Fay says as I'm leaving at 4:00 in the morning. We have a big game in California so I have to be on a plane for a couple hours.

Fay woke up just to give me a pep talk about how I shouldn't be alone at all and not to let girls make it even look like I'm with them. Gosh I love her. I think if I saw a girl other than her, I would jump ten feet out of my chair.

"I know baby, I know, I will call you every night okay?" I say kissing her forehead. "Okay mi amor I love you." She says before turning over and going back to sleep. I walk over to my side of the bed and give Dax a bunch of kisses.

"Keep momma safe alright?" I say and he wags his tail, "Good boy." I finally let go and shut the door. Cole is in the living room waiting for me. Abby is having stomach issues so she didn't even wake up to say goodbye.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod. We get our things loaded on the trunk and take off.


I set my things down on my hotel bed. It was a long drive and flight. I'm exhausted and I need sleep. I text Fay because I know that she should be up.

And she is, she tells me she is at her book store putting up some more decorations. Honestly I'm so thankful that she was so forgiving. I don't deserve her.

As I'm settling in. There is a knock on the door. I run to the door and open it to see a waiter from the restaurant downstairs. I ordered food from them so that I can relax for the rest of the night. I thank the lady catching her stare for too long so I close the door.

I get the food and settle on the bed. I grab my phone to facetime Fay but she doesn't answer. I text her,

"Hey wanna call? I just got my food and It feels weird to eat without you."

10 minutes later she responds,

"Hey, I'm sorry I can't call right now mi amor I'm studying for a huge test and you distract me too much ;)

"You're probably shirtless right now too which doesn't help my thoughts."

I laugh at that but respond,

"It's okay baby I understand I will call you later alright? I love you"

"I love you too mi amor."

And then nothing after that, I eat my food in peace and rest for the rest of the night hoping that tomorrow's game goes by smoothly.

I think about everything in my life, Hockey, Fay, and that's it since those are my top priorities, not in that order. I think about the life me and Fay are going to build together. How I dream that I get drafted with Cole somewhere and we all move together. Have our kids grow up together.

Tomorrow's game will determine that. It will be the result of the rest of our future.


Fay still hasn't called me, she just sent me a 'good luck I'm watching you' text. I'm sitting in the locker room waiting for them to call us out.

Cole comes up to me and pats me on the back. "Hey, we're going to do good. And don't worry about Fay, she and Abby are together." I nod but I'm still confused on why Fay hasn't said much to me since I left.

"No matter what happens, promise me that we will still be friends." He puts his hand out for me to shake and I smile at him, shaking it back.

"Best friends." I say and stand up to give him a hug. It's kind of emotional, me and Cole have been best friends our whole lives, I can imagine not being near him. I know sometimes he can be a piece of work, but he has gotten better, Abby made him better.

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