Chapter 15 ~ Dinner

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A/N: This is kind of a filler chapter but you still need to read it in order to understand some things:)


"FAY!" Abby screams barging into the dorm. It's been a week since she got discharged and she just got off her meds and the doctor says she is doing great.

"What's up Abby?" I yell back. I look up from my computer when I hear a thump. "Ouch," Abby says from the floor. "Abby, are you okay?" I ask and she nods and gets up. She starts to smile like a psychopath.

"I just came to tell you that Cole asked me on a date!" She jumps up and down. I get off my bed and start to jump with her. I bet the people below us are sick of it. "Oh my gosh Abbs, that's great!"

I knew he would do it soon. I honest didn't think he would wait this long but I'm glad that Abby is excited.

"I know we have a date after his game on Friday!"

"I'm so happy for you" I hugged her. "Alright now that I have that out of the way. We are meeting the boys tonight for dinner. I guess Elias' found this Mexican place he wants to try." I nod.

Abby leaves the room and I finish up with my homework. I'm so proud of Cole.

"Hey loser, heard you finally asked her out?"

"Yup, after the game this weekend."

"Do you know where you're taking her?"

"Yes, but I'm not telling you because Abby literally has your phone password and even if she didn't you would still tell her -_-"

"Would not!"

"Would to"

"Anyways... see you later loser."

"Bye meany"

I laugh at his nickname. I take a shower and get a change of clothes.


"Table for four" Elias says to the woman working up front at the restaurant. "Right this way." We followed her to our table. I sit next to Elias while Cole and Abby sit together.

"Hello, I'm Matt and I will be taking your orders today. What can I get you to drink?" He looks up from his paper and looks at me and waits for my order.

"I will have a sprite" I say and he nods with a smile. Both Cole and Elias get a coke and Abby gets root beer. The waiter leaves to get our drinks.

"Did you see the way he was looking at you?" Abby leans over. "No, why?" I ask

"He was like giving you puppy eyes" She says and leans back. "Yeah that was weird..." Cole says. We all go silent till the waiter comes back. He hands us our drinks. We then get chips and salsa and he takes our main dish orders.

"He was doing it again" Abby looks at me. "Abby dropped it." I say and she rolls her eyes. She knows I don't like talking about guys. She is the only one who knows about my ex.



"Do you think I made a mistake by coming here and be honest. Don't talk like you're my best friend, be someone who knows the situation." I say thinking about back home and him. Abby knew everything about what happened and I was starting to have second thoughts about leaving him.

What if he was my only shot at a husband and children and I ruined it but coming here?

"Fayette listened... even if we weren't friends.. You made the right choice. You knew what you wanted to do and you weren't going to get that education in Paris." She says and we continue to talk like the guys aren't there.

"But-" She cuts me off "No buts, if it was the other way you would understand the situation."

"Are we just ghosts?" Cole asks and Elias shrugs.

"Sorry" I say

"You don't need to be sorry Fay. We will talk more about it later." I nod and the waitress comes back with our food.

The rest of the night goes by great and we all talk and laugh. We all decided to split the bill after much arguing. Once the waiter takes the book back, he turns and walks away but something falls from his hand.

"Sir you forgo-" I say but open the paper and see his number. Now I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure this was meant for me. "What is it?" Elias asks and I shake my head "Nothing"

He gives me a weird look but turns away from me. We all walked out of the restaurant. I see the waiter who dropped his number give a wink at me. I smile at him.


Elia and Cole drop us off at our dorm room. "So you gonna tell me what the paper said?" Abby says as we walk in the door.

"It was just the waiter's number, it's not a big deal." I say and Abby looks at me with confused eyes. "That's a huge deal Fay!" She bumps my arm. "Omg we can do double dates." I chuckle "Abby I didn't even call him yet."

"Well then get on with it." She walks to our room.  As I'm reaching for the paper I get a text from Elias.

"Wanna meet up? I can't sleep."

"Uh yeah sure, want me to head to the lobby.?"

"Yeah see ya."

That was weird. Nonetheless I grab my purse back up and walk towards our room. "Hey Abby"

I see she is smiling and giggling at her phone which only makes me believe that she is talking with Cole.

"I'm headed out with Elias for a little bit. I will be back." She nods and goes back to her phone.

I put my shoes back on and grab my keys. I lock the door and head to the elevator. It brings me to the lobby and I spot Elias immediately as he is sitting on the lounge couch.

"You're here pretty quick" I walked up to him. He stands up, "I was already down here" I nod. "So what are we doing?" I ask.

"There is this place I found a while back, and now I know that you would probably like it." He says and I SWEAR my heart does a tiny flip. I nod and he leads me out to his car.

He opens my door and shuts it. I buckle in as he gets on his side. "You gonna tell me or is it a surprise?" I ask and he turns to me.

"Guess you will have to see for yourself"

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