Chapter 25 ~ Home

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"Fay, wake up." I hear and rub my eyes. I see Elias standing over me with a muffin and a coffee. I forgot we had to stay in a hotel last night. I was just so tired that I wasn't even alive half the day.

I sit up and grab the muffin and coffee from him and give him a thumbs up. I eat in silence while Abby, Cole, and Elias are getting all of our things in the car. I slept pretty good last night and considering the heater in the room didn't work, I was rather warm.

Elias walks up to me and pulls me out of bed once he sees me done with my food and just staring into the open. "Ready to go, we have a long trip?" He asks and I nod. Elias walks us out and locks the room. I head to the lobby with him and he gives the key cards back.

We walk to the car and I see Abby and Cole already in the back seat. I take that as a sign to sit in the front seat. I open my door and get my blanket out. I also grab my book and open it. Elias starts to drive and soon enough we are on the road.


I don't know how long I have been reading for but it's been way too long since I let my eyes take a break from my pages. I look up and see we are in the middle of nowhere, Elias driving, and Cole and Abby sleeping in the back seat.

I look over and see Elias is focused on the road but also looks deep into thought. "Hi" I say to get his attention which works and he gives me a small smile. "Hey" He replies.

"Where are we?" I ask and he shrugs. "I think we are still in Canada, not sure, how was your book?" He asks and I nod. "It's a pretty good book if you ask me." I say and he nods.

"What's it about?" He asks. "It's an age gap trope but it's also enemies to friends to strangers to enemies again and then lovers." I say out of breath and he chuckles.

"That sounds like a lot to understand." I nod and look back to the road in front of me. "Hey did you drink any water today?" I shake my head no and he sighs.

I see him reach into his door compartment and pull out a water bottle. He hands it to me and I just stare at it. "Drink" He says and I nod slowly. I take the water and drink slowly. "That's good water." I say and he laughs again.

After a moment of silence I get a call from our realtor Nancy. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Miss Monet, I was just calling to tell you that we have put in your electricity and water and you're all set to move in whenever." She says.

"Thank you so much Nancy. I will keep in contact. We are actually on our way home right now." I say and she 'ahs'

"Well I hope you have a safe trip back." She ends the call and I put my phone down.

"Nancy Campbell?" Elias asks and I nod. "She said we can move in whenever now." He nods and turns back to the road.


"Fay, we are home." Abby whispers in my ear as I wake up from my deep sleep. I see it's dark outside and the clock reads '2:34" Elias and Cole are nowhere in sight.

I feel like being a child so I turn in my seat and go back to sleep. Secretly hoping that Elias will carry me up to bed since I feel too tired to walk. But I would never tell him that.

"Ugh, Fayette stop being a child lets go." Abby says and I ignore her. I hear her sigh and she walks away. I smirk to myself and then minutes later feel myself being picked up. I smell Elias' cologne and snuggle deeper into his neck.

I would never tell him that I found out about Matt by myself though. I know Elias was worried about me and Matt being together and after I found out about Matt's past and present actions, I learned to let him go.

I did it the easy way and I blocked his number and him on all socials. After I did it I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

I also will never admit after I blocked him I felt free, and that freedom made me realize I had been holding back from Elias.

So yes, I do like Elias, like a lot. I knew that since the day I met him but didn't truly know until I had blocked Matt.

At the thought of Elias and being in his arms, I cuddle deeper into his neck. My lips on his neck with my lips parted a little bit to breathe. I feel us walking for a while and then up an elevator. I then feel me being put down on a bed.

I don't want him to leave so like the child I am, I don't let go of his neck so that he is leaning over me. I hear him sigh and give up.

"I guess I'm sleeping here tonight Cole." He says and scoots me over. He gets into bed with me and pulls the blankets on us. Not moving from my place. I have both arms around his neck holding him closer to my body.

"You're a brat you know that?" I hear him chuckle and that makes me break.

"You enjoy me being a brat though." I say and he sighs once again.

Man he sighs a lot.

"I do, normally I don't but you're the only exception." He says pulling me closer in.

"Goodnight." I say and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Fay, sleep well." He says and closes his eyes as we drift off into another deep sleep.

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