Epilogue ~ Fayette

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It's been a while since Cole and Abby's wedding. Me and Fay just celebrated our one year anniversary a couple weeks ago. It's now the new year and we are signing paperwork for our new house. Fay is already buying a ton of furniture for it which I'm not complaining about.

To be fair, I gave her my card and said 'order everything you like baby'. Now we have five couches. But also to be fair, there are two living rooms. Fay also bought Dax a doghouse which is a literal mansion for him.

He's really spoiled.

We are finishing up the paperwork right now and once that's done we will officially have the keys. All that will be left is the furniture, water, and power.

Fay is finally back in school for her studies and I'm so freaking proud of her. She is working her butt off and doesn't sleep most nights. She once lost her promise ring in her lab coat and we didn't find it for weeks.

Those weeks were the worst for her. She kept crying and going on and on about how 'if I'm not able to take care of that ring, how am I going to be able to take care of my engagement ring and my wedding ring.'

Later that night when she grabbed her coat she found it and kept apologizing. And I obviously told her that it wasn't a big deal and that I would get her a nice chain to put her rings on while she is out and about.

The ring she got me for our one year hasn't left my hand. While I'm doing interviews for hockey, I switch the ring to my left hand to tell everybody that I'm married.

And maybe for showing off. But now that the paperwork is done, I'm treating Fay to a nice dinner to celebrate our new house.

We went back to my parents house and got ready. I'm wearing a nice suit with a red velvet tie, while Fay is wearing a red velvet dress with one of my suit coats.

"You ready?" I ask as I'm standing outside her car door holding my hand out. She nods and puts her small hand into mine, she gets out of the car and we walk towards the restaurant. I move my hand down to her waist when I see eyes on us.

"For Elias." I tell the lady working the front counter. She gives me a smile and grabs our menus, leading us to our table. We sat down and I ordered some wine.

"So how is school going?" I ask even though I ask her everyday. "Same as always mi amor. It's draining but I'm so close to graduating." She says with a tight smile. I lean over the table and rub her dimples which makes her smile, which also makes her dimples deepen.

"I love your dimples." I say and she laughs. "I love yours too." Our wine arrives and I pour us both a glass. We both cheer to each other and take a sip. The waiter comes back and takes out his book.

"Can I get you guys any appetizers?" He asks, looking between me and Fay. "Um yes, can we please get your mozzarella sticks, with extra sauce?" Fay says and the waiter smiles at her and nods. "I will be right back with it."

He leaves and I look back at Fay. I admire her for a while until the smell of mozzarella comes to my nose. Before Fay can get a chance to grab one, I do it for her.

I dip a stick in the sauce making sure to get a lot. And move it to her mouth. She smiles but opens up and moans at the taste. I take the stick and double dip and take my own bite. We do this for a while until the waiter comes back.

"Alright, what can I get you guys?" Fay looks at me and I take that as a sign to order. "We will be sharing one big margarita pizza, with extra sauce." I will make sure to add the last part. "Coming right up."

Me and Fay are once again alone, "So, any huge games coming up?" I nod, "We have a game back in Seattle." I say and Fay's mouth goes wide. "No kidding! that's great." She smiles.

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