Bonus Chapter 7 ~ Holidays

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It's baby Reece's first Christmas. He is now 7 months old. After Fay gave birth, we decided that we would wait until Reece is more than a year before trying for another. Abby and Cole had their second baby 5 months ago.

And let me tell you, these two are best friends. Baby Reece loves his best friend Mayella. Sometimes I even have to separate them because they get too close. They are only a couple months old. I wonder what it's going to be like when they're older.

Of course Cole being the overprotected dad to his two girls, he has a hard time understanding that Reece loves his daughter. It's funny how babies understand such emotions. Abby and Cole decided to move closer to us so that if we ever needed a babysitter, we had each other.

I wake up to little baby hands grabbing my face. I look down and see Reece is awake and trying to get my attention. I lift him up and hold him to my chest. Since he was sleeping in between me and Fay. I grab her waist and bring her to us.

She wakes up and smiles at the sight of us. She kisses both of our heads. "Merry Christmas my mi Amor's." I kiss her back and say, "Merry Christmas baby."

After laying here for a while, Fay gets up to go make coffee. I wait for her in the living room with Reece, he seems eager to open gifts right now. Fay comes back with her coffee and camera.

I place Reece on the floor as I hand him a present. His face lights up with everyone. Fay takes pictures as Reece struggles to open gifts.

After Reece is done with his, I place him on his mat and let him play with his toys. Grumpy old man Dax comes in and lays down next to him.

I go to the tree and grab the present I got for Fay. She gives me a smile as she takes it and opens it. She gasps and takes out the necklace. It's a necklace that has Reece's birthday and birth stone in it.

She leaps to me and hugs me and gives me kisses all over my face. She then gets up and grabs a present for me. I open it and see my favorite cologne and a robe. I laugh cause she knows this is the only cologne I will wear, and I love my robes.

I thank her as we spend the rest of the morning playing with our baby and enjoying his first Christmas.


Fay and Abby are in the kitchen now preparing dinner. We decided to have Christmas at our house this year since we have a big enough year for all the kids. So all of my family, and all of Cole's will be here.

Sadly Aurora and Louis weren't able to make it. But they said that they are coming as soon as they can to meet their grandson.

Me and Cole are watching the hockey game that our team played. We will be back after the holidays. The only reason we were able to take such a long break is because our team has been kicking butt at hockey.

I can't wait to get back though. Reece is sitting on my lap eating one of his toys, while Cole is feeding Mayella a bottle. The doorbell rings and I place Reece on the couch where I was sitting and answer the door.

My parents come in and greet me with a hug. My mother then rushes to the couch and picks up Reece and gives him a ton of kisses. I know for a fact that that woman has a bunch of presents in the car for him. 

She walks to the kitchen to go find the girls while my dad sits on the recliner chair. We watch the game and talk for a while until we are called to dinner.

At this point all of our family is here. I sit down at the head of the table. Reece sits in his highchair in between me and Fay.

We say grace and dig in. We laugh and talk and do all the fun Christmas stuff. The kids open presents from their grandparents while the adults sit in the living room and watch the game with some wine.

I sit on the couch and Fay comes over to sit on my lap. She gives me a kiss and cuddles into my neck. She sits sideways trying to get comfortable.

"I think Reece is enjoying his first Christmas." She says as I look to Reece who is not on the floor, laying on his stomach on his little mat. Next to him, Mayella is lying down next to him asleep.

"I think he doesn't care about Christmas, I think he cares about a special someone." I say and then laugh at how ridiculous it sounds. "I'm going to raise him to be a gentleman, that way Cole can't say no to him when he asks to date her."

I laugh once more and kiss her head. "Well let's not worry about that now huh?" I say and she nods.

"Merry Christmas Mi amor."

"Merry Christmas baby."

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