Chapter 40 ~ Hurt

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It's been a good couple weeks. Me and Elias have grown closer and it's almost like we have been together the whole time. He gives me all of his attention because hockey has been taking a lot of his time already.

I have been feeling great though. My parents told me they were going to visit here sometime whenever they get off work. But when they say that they mean it will most likely be a couple years.

As long as they get to see where I fell in love.

I'm currently sitting inside the hockey box with Abby watching the game. It hasn't started yet but I heard this is a pretty big game.

Also great news. Leo is not on the hockey team. I guess when Abby said something to Cole about the two guys coming up to us in the hallway, he and Eli had a huge fit. They went to coach and he said the most he can do is hold him on probation.

So he comes to practices but he is not on the team until he proves good behavior. It's good because the boys have yet to bother us so I'm not complaining.

"I can tell the boys are nervous." I hear a voice from behind me and see Eli's family. I told them that this was a huge game for the boys and Eli's mom and dad were able to make it to this game.

"Morgan, it's good to see you!" I give her a hug and smile over my shoulder at Mr. Graham and hug him next. They sit next to me in the box.

Abby comes back from the snack stand without going to hockey snacks. "I had to sacrifice a whole twenty dollars for this crap. Oh hey Mr. and Mrs. Graham!" She says and hugs them and then sits down.

Abby knows them because they used to visit all of Eli's games back then. They know she is dating Cole so that only gave them a reason to draw closer.

The arena lights dimmer and we all quiet down to watch the game. Both teams are now on the ice ready to start. Elias looks towards me knowing that I will always be sitting here, in his jersey waiting for him to smile at me.

He does his silly hand gesture, it's just him holding up his hand pointing at me, and I always point back. It's a tradition now. He does it before every game and he likes to think of it as his good luck charm.

I blew him a kiss for good measure and I can't tell but I know my boy is smiling under his helmet.

The horn blows and the puck is thrown on the ice. Elias manages to get the first goal of the game. I do my cheer every time I stand up and scream his number for a good 5 seconds, or at least until the crowd has calmed down from the goal.

He throws his head back laughing every time. I know because every time I do so, he throws his head back. Simple.

The game goes on for a while and we are winning. Eli is getting more aggressive towards player 44 on the other side. Because I can tell number 44 is bugging Eli and constantly on his butt.

Every time Eli has the puck, the only guy from the other side is number 44 trying to get rid of it. I know that it's normal and part of the game, but this guy won't leave Elias' side... like never. Not even when he has the puck, he makes sure that Elias is trailing behind him and if not, he gives the puck to another guy and stands close by to Elias.

If Elias didn't have a girlfriend, I would think these two are dating but are on opposite teams trying not to be mean to each other.

Elias is not in love with him though, He is frustrated that he won't be alone. He has looked towards me a couple times which has made number 44 look at me and glare.

Finally after that quarter, the guy leaves him alone. Elias gets back on his feet and is able to pay better attention to the game he is trying to win.

He has the puck in his possession, he is speeding fast. He is almost at the goal when number 44 comes to his side and body slams Elias off his feet, into the wall.

My heart drops, everything around me stops and I'm frozen watching Elias. Coach goes over to him but he's not lifting his head. Why isn't he lifting his head? Come on Elias get up, I chant in my mind praying to God that Elias is okay.

When 5 minutes pass and all players are done fighting with Cole. Two paramedics come in with a stretcher. That means he is still not lifting his head and not responding.

Before I know it I'm on my feet getting out of the box and dashing towards the tunnel that will lead them out. I run there before they do. When I see them coming out with him I run up to the stretcher.

Elias looks pale, more pale because of the cold. "Can I go in the ambulance? I'm his girlfriend. Please I'm begging you." I ask the guy in a nice tone but it's hard because I'm crying and if he says no I'm throwing a fit.

I think he can see how upset I am because he nods. I get Elias in the truck and help me get in next to him. I stand next to Elias' head and hold on to the stretcher.

I comb his hair as more tears fall on my face. He is being hooked up with tubes to help him breathe. My heart still hasn't beat in a hot minute but all I can think about is Elias and how much I would give my heartbeat to him if he loses his.

I kiss his forehead and say a prayer. I rub his hair and then I put my fingers on his neck. He has a pulse, barley.

So much time has passed because we are now at the hospital and I'm being rushed out and being drifted away from Elias as he gets rushed into the ER. I call Morgan and she answers instantly.

"Mor- gan." I say and break down crying because I'm now left in the parking lot of the hospital. "It's okay sweetheart, me and Ricky are on our way, don't worry, Abby will be there with Cole after the game."

I stay silent and wait for the two to show up. I'm sitting on a bench outside the hospital. I see Morgan running to me 10 minutes later. She brings me up in a motherly hug and I sob into her.

She doesn't stop holding me though.

She lets me cry with her. Ricky comes up to us and I look at him. I hugged him next.

After sobbing for a while we headed inside the hospital to the ER section.

Morgan and Ricky say that they are his parents and pull out ID. They say I'm his fiancé and they let us through.

I swear this ring, I was thinking of moving it to another finger but now I might as well keep it there until I get the real thing.

Morgan leads me to a chair and we sit down. I'm sandwiched between the two. I have my head on Morgan and then slip into the darkness.


I'm so excited! I'm feeling better and feel like my writer's block is slowly going away so look forward to more chapters maybe this weekend. :)

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