Chapter 45 ~ Confrontation

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I wake up in pain. Not physical but mental. I miss Fayette like crazy. Last night when I tired to stay with her, Abby said no and stayed with her. I haven't been able to sleep all night. I'm so tired. Thankfully it's the weekend so I have no school and no hockey since I'm still "injured".

I'm in the kitchen making myself some coffee while Cole is sitting on the couch catching up on the game our team played last night.

I sit on the couch with him and drink my coffee. I texted Fay a "good morning" and so many other messages that tell her I'm sorry and I miss her.

I just hope she forgives me when she finds out what I have been doing. As me and Cole watch the game, we hear loud footsteps leading up to the door. Seconds later Abby is through the door and running towards her bedroom.

Me and Cole look at each other and then Cole slowly gets up. We hear a crash and that gets us both to run to the room. Abby is on the floor searching for something under her bed.

"Babe? What are you looking for-" Abby cuts Cole off, "Shut it!" She yells and goes back under the bed to grab whatever she needs to grab. She comes up about 10 seconds later holding a sword.

A freaking sword. Are those even allowed here?

"Woah Abby what are you doing with that?" Cole panics and holds his hands up. "Shut it now, move out of my way." She gets past us. I'm lucky the sword is still in its case because she would have stabbed me brushing past me.

Cole runs to the door and blocks it. "Abby, tell me where you are going first." Cole says and Abby is breathing heavily, her arms going up and down fast.

"Cole, I love you to pieces but I have to do something." She sounds mad. I would move but Cole is not moving for her.

"Abby please just tell me and I will move for you." He says in a pleading voice.

"You want to know so bad? You want to know why I'm holding a freaking sword with murderous eyes? Why don't you put the pieces together Cole. I'm doing this for Fayette, now move." She yells and instead of using "freaking" she used the other word.

"For fay?" I think out loud and that gets Abby to turn to me quickly. "Yes Elias, for Fay, because that's what you do for your bestfriend when she has been assaulted and hurt badly." She shoves past Cole and dashed towards the parking lot.

I stand here frozen trying to think about what Abby was trying to say. Someone did this to Fay? Who?

After asking myself every question out there. I figured it out. It has to be Leo and Dylan. It has to be them so one else has anything against Fay.

I take my phone out and call Abby.

"WHAT?" She yells into the phone and I pull it away from my ear. She sounds annoyed but I don't care. "Send me your location. I'm coming with you." I say and put on my shoes.

"Wait what?" Abby says a little calmer now. "I'm coming so share your location." I hang up not wanting to hear anything else. I get a notification from Abby saying that she sent me her location. I ran to my car in a hurry.

I don't see Cole so I'm assuming he chased after Abby. I get in my car and follow the location. This is going to be fun


I got out of my car after I parked it right next to Abby's and Cole's. It's a house. I dash to the door and knock on it. I hear footsteps coming my way. A furious Cole opens the door, he doesn't say anything besides a small 'hey' and motions for me to come in.

I walk in a walk to where the shouting is coming from. Abby is yelling at the top of her lungs at both of the dudes sitting on the couch. They seem bothered which really pisses me off.

"You touch my girl?" I question and see them jump at the tone of my voice. I go over to Dylan first and grab his shirt collar. "First you want to touch my girl while you are in a relationship that you were unfaithful in, then you continue to harass her and our friends, THEN you go to OUR house and beat the living crap out of her?" I say I'm angry now. I'm not holding back.

I shove him to the couch and go to Leo. I grab him the same thing I did with Dylan. "And you." I say and let out a sarcastic laugh. "You were a weird human being when I first met you. You couldn't handle Fay being moved on with her dream job AND moved on with another human being. You came here for what? To harass her? Because let me tell you that she won't take any crap from you and you better wish that you never left Paris." I shove him with just as much power as Dylan.

I look up to see Cole and Abby glaring at the two. "So? You got an answer?" Cole asks, walking in front of them.

"I'm not saying anything. I came to Seattle to get a breath of fresh air and in hopes to get Fay back because she was mine and she always will be." Leo spits out but nothing more after I slap him.

"You knew you lost her when you told her that her dreams wouldn't come true. You lost her when you saw her holding my hand. YOU LOST HER WHEN YOU LET THE 'LOVE OF YOUR LIFE' LEAVE YOU!" I yell the next part. I'm more than angry now. I'm going to beat him to a pulp.

I'm not even focused on Dylan anymore. I only care about Leo right now. I want him to hurt like Fay is hurting.

Shoot. Fay. I come back to my conscience and decide that I shouldn't be here right now. I should be with Fay who is at the hospital. Alone.

"I'm going to the hospital." I say but walk out without hearing a word. I rush to my car. I rushed to the hospital. Hoping to get there in time.

I rush through the doors of the hospital and run to the nearest receptionist. "Hi, I'm looking for Fayette Monet?" I ask the girl once she looks up. She nods and looks at her computer to look up Fay's name.

"It looks like she was checked out an hour ago sir." She says and gives me a smile. What? Already checked out?

"She left?" I ask the girl to nod once again. "Yes sir, she left. Someone picked her up and took her." I give her thanks.

But I'm still confused, has she already checked out? And why wasn't I called? I'm put down as her fiancé.

I hope she's at home.

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