Chapter 41 ~ Worried

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It's completely black... but I'm still alive and that's a good thing. The last thing I remember was getting frustrated with Coby for not getting off my butt.

He pushed me into a wall and then I don't remember anything after that. I'm assuming I'm in a hospital because I can feel tubes in my throat and an IV hooked to me.

My first thought when I woke up was Fay. I was wondering if she saw and if she freaked out and broke down. I want to see her, but I'm too weak to move right now. I can hear the doctors talking about my condition.

They say I might have memory loss and brain damage because I hit my head pretty hard. I obviously don't have memory loss since I remember the events leading up to the 'accident'.

I struggle to find a way to move but my body wont let me. I hear a voice that sounds a lot like my dad. He is talking with the doctor. The doctor is saying things about my parents, but also my fiancé?

I was confused by this because for all I know, I'm not engaged. But I do have a smoking hot girlfriend who I want to see.

The voices get quieter and I can tell they left the room because the door slammed. I lay here thinking about everything.

I thank God because I'm alive and breathing. I then pray that Fay is okay and not totally breaking down and that my parents are taking care of her. I also think about how this was not how it was supposed to go.

I was going to take Fay on another date tonight and tell her that I love her. After this 'accident' I now know how much I could have lost. What if I died without saying goodbye to her, or even  I love you? We are just at the start of our relationship and I want no need forever with her.

Not even forever is enough with her. I need an eternity. I sometimes wished that one day, I would wake up and me and Fay would be the only ones here, only for one day, so that I can leave everything for her.

Because I do, I love her with all my being and she is who God sent to love me and take care of me. She is who God wants me to provide for and to love and give her the world and to grow with her.

All I pray for on this bed, is for Fay, that she is okay. And also thanked God for giving me another chance.


I passed out but I somehow feel stronger. I take the chance to wake up a little more than try to jerk my finger, hoping someone is watching or that the nurse would have put my hand on the button so that I can call for help.

Well luck is on my side because I can feel my hand now, and I can feel the button on my finger. I use all my strength to push that button. I give up after my body wont let me, but I try and try again.

What feels like hours have passed and I still try, I get closer every time. After so long of trying. My finger jerks and I'm able to lightly tap the button. When the ding goes on to indicate that it worked. I feel myself resting.

I hear footsteps and assume the nurse is here. My assumptions were right because I can feel someone working on me, giving me medication that makes me feel better. My hand has not stopped moving out of joy.

I don't know when but I'm out again.


I wake up, but this time it's different because my eyes open for the first time in what feels like years. My eyes sting from the ceiling lights above me. I jerk my hand to my face and rub my eyes.

I sigh in relief because now I'm able to see a little more clearly. I can tell I'm alone in my room. I hit the button this time with confidence.

A nurse strides in and smiles at me. "Well hello sleepyhead, it's about time you wake up." The nurse says and I give a small smile.

"How long have I been out for?" I ask because my throat hurts from lack of water.

"A week sir." She replies and my eyes go wide. "A week?" I ask and she nods. "Yep but we knew it wouldn't take long for you to come back strong. Unfortunately you will be here for another two days so that we can get you all checked out. Your parents left but your fiancé won't leave the hospital."

That is all I need to relax. She has been here this whole time, "Is she okay?" I ask and the nurse nods. "She is tired I will say that, she hasn't got much sleep and she barely ate but her friends made sure she was eating enough. I will bring her in later." I nod and lay back down and let the nurse do her thing.

"You're all set and healthy for the day so I will send in your fiancé?" She says and asks about the last part. I nod letting her know she can bring Fay in. She nods and heads out.

While she is gone I sit up and run a hand through my hair. Even though I just came out of a long sleep, I'm still going to look good for my girl.

The nurse walks in and grabs her things and smiles. She shuts the door but Fay has yet to walk in. I wait about five more minutes then the door opens.

Fay walks in, she looks tired, but nevertheless drop dead gorgeous. When she sees me sitting up and smiling her face breaks. She puts her head in her hands and starts to sob. She holds onto the bed.

I'm still weak so I can reach out to her like I want to. "Baby?" I say, it comes out like a whisper since my throat still hurts. She looks up and walks to the side of my bed. I waste no time and pull her to me.

She falls on top of me and sobs more. I hold her while she cries which makes me tear up a little. She lifts her head up after like ten minutes. She grabs my face and kisses me gently. I kiss her back.

"Gosh you had me so worried Elias. Do you want to know what I was thinking as I watched you in the ambulance?" She says in a raspy voice.

She was in the ambulance with me? She must have had to fight her way there. "I was thinking about how I would give you my heart if yours failed, or if possible give my brain to you. Elias, I would have traded bodies with you if I could." She sobs more and that gets me.

I sob with her, we cry together, for the first time we cry our eyes out. She is now laying at my side tucked into me.

"You know if it ever failed and you gave your heart to me, I would be more broken because where would you be huh." I whisper.

"Elias, at this point your life is more important than mine." She says and rubs her eyes.

"Don't say that Fay, Your life is just as if not more important than me. You have yet to live your life and me, well hockey has been and will always be my life. You're the only thing I live for."

This conversation gets us both as we sit and cry with each other for hours. The sweet nurse comes back to say that she talked with the doctor and said that Fay is allowed to stay with me.

I scoot over for Fay to have more room but she shakes her head. "Elias I will fit on the couch don't worry."

"The hell I'm letting you sit on the couch. Get your butt up here." She doesn't argue and listens. We cuddled for the rest of the night. Before I drift off to sleep she says my two favorite words. "Goodnight Amore." She kisses my head and falls asleep herself.

Once I know she is fully asleep I whisper, "Goodnight baby, I love you."


I know it seems that him getting hurt is unnecessary but I promise that it will be a major change in the story. Thank you for waiting for my writers block to pass I'm excited for what's to come. I cant believe we already have 41 chapters its crazy.

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