Bonus Chapter 1 ~ Moving Day

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It's a moving day. Elias has rented a U-Haul truck and he and his dad are now filling it up. The  Moving process should be easy since all our furniture arrived a week ago, so the only thing we have to do is get the things we have here.

And since we moved to Elias' parents house, not everything we owned could fit, so we had to get a storage garage. That's where me, Abby, and Cole are right now, loading all three of our cars.

It's not a lot, just mostly my clothes and Elias' hockey awards. I'm excited though. To finally have our own space after so long. And not just that, but this is the house where our family is going to grow up.

"Abby can you please slow down, you just gave birth." Cole calls out. Yeah he has been frustrated with her lately. Apparently giving birth over 4 months ago, Abby is still fragile. "Cole, will you shut your hole I'm fine. It's not like I had a C-section and had to get stitches." Abby gets frustrated with him too. But they love each other.

"I don't care Abb's, I don't need something to happen to you." Cole says with a huff. "I love you." Abby says. I roll my eyes because this will turn into a make out session quickly. Every time Cole and Abby get into a disagreement, she just has to say 'I love you' and all is forgiven.

I don't want to witness that so I walk back to the storage garage and grab another box of my clothes. I head back to my car and close my trunk. "That's the last of my stuff." I say and Cole gives me a thumbs up.

All three of our cars are filled to the top with our junk. We drive to the house and start to move the boxes already. With the furniture not placed yet, I just set the boxes down in the first living room.

I slump to the floor after carrying all those boxes. Abby and Cole said they were going to go get coffee so they are gone. I'm waiting for Elias to come to the house, I start to move around the kitchen appliances to organize it how I want them.

I even take out the cleaner box and start to wipe everything down. I add on to my grocery list so that I can go soon and not eat off of fast food.

The front door opens and Elias and his dad come in. "Hey baby, how long have you been here?" Eli comes up to me and kisses me on the head, looking around. "I have been here for a while, Abby and Cole should be back soon." He nods.

"Did you empty out the storage?" I nod and point to the stacked up boxes on the floor. He chuckles and moves behind me to wrap his arms around me. "This is all so real." He says and I nod, soaking up this moment.


Later on, Elias, Cole, and Elias' dad are moving things out of the u haul truck. I guess Elias' mom sent them with stuff she didn't need so she is lending them to us. Such as a nice table for the coffee corner I want to have.

"Elias! Did you get all my books?" I call out from the kitchen. "Yes they are all here! I'm putting them in the bonus room." I respond silently and go back to unboxing things for the kitchen. The only thing left is for the fridge to get stocked up with some food.

Abby and Cole left not too long ago since they had to go pick up their baby girl Willow. She is the cutest thing ever. Abby tells me I need to get pregnant so that our babies can be best friends.

I'm now sitting on the couch that is in the middle of the house while Elias and his dad go to take the truck back.

I keep thinking about all the memories we are going to have here. I look to the backyard and see our kids playing in the pool while me and Elias sit in the sun and watch them. I look to the kitchen and see me, Elias, and our kids baking a cake. I look to the living room in front of me and see all the movie nights. The front door that we will bring our children through. The dining room table where we will eat family dinners every night.

I walk up stairs to get more visuals. I go to one room and see me reading my child a bedtime story while Elias stands by the doorframe admiring me like he always has and always will. I look to another room and see Elias laying down in a tiny bed with our child while this time I stand at the door and take a picture.

I walk to mine and Elias' room and see us cuddling, trying not to let an inappropriate thought come to mind. I shake my head. I head to the bonus room and see me on a sofa reading a book with bookshelves surrounding me. Elias and the kids in the corner sleeping trying 'not to wake up mommy'.

I smile at all the memories I can see. It gets me excited for the future. I can see me coming home after a long day of teaching and seeing Elias put the kids to bed and heat up dinner that he made.

What did I do to deserve this?

I hear the door open and look over the stair railing. Elias comes in with two boxes of pizza and beer. I smile and run down the stairs. I run up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. He laughs and places the food down on the dining room table.

"What's up with you?" He asks and I shrug, "Nothing." I bit my lip and sat down at the table. I grabbed a piece of pizza and opened my beer. Moaning at the taste of food finally in my mouth after a long day.

"What did you do while I was gone?" Elias asks. "I just went around the house and tried to get an idea of what to do with the house." I smile and he smiles back.

We eat in silence and as the sun goes down, we go outside to sit on the patio. He lays down in the hammock that Abby and Cole gifted to us as a housewarming gift. I get on top of Elias and cuddle him. We let the wind hit us but the warmth of each other's bodies keeps us warm.

After a few minutes of laying here, I think I fall asleep because I can feel Elias carrying me. He carries me up the strays and into the master bedroom. He leaves to clean up, I'm assuming. I take this time to go brush my teeth.

I get back in bed and Elias walks in. I smile at him, which he smiles back. "I got the hang of the alarm system. It's set, now we should be safe." I laugh but I know he's not joking. Me and him have always talked about getting one because we both have paranoia sometimes.

I lay down in bed after putting on my nightgown and opened my arms for Elias to come in. He does so after stripping and getting into just his boxers.

He cuddles me and we fall asleep holding each other. Today was the first day of a new beginning.

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