Chapter XIII

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Old friends

'If you're always sick, why not just die?'

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'If you're always sick, why not just die?'

'Tch! Don't fake it!'


'Ugh..what a disturbing dream' I wake up and get ready to go to school. "Let just hope today will be a good day." while I pack up my things, I accidently bump my head into a rack above me suddenly a book fall on my feet.

"Ouch! This stupid book" I grunt and take the book 'is this a diary?'

"Im going to take a peek-"

"(y/n)-chan you gonna be late to school!" yell my mom.

"Im coming!" i'm going to bring it and read it later.


"Ugh!" I groan. I thought today will a great day, but it just getting worse. Ayaka kept followed me around and keep talked about 'our good time together' it make feel annoyed.

I keep sighing and suddenly I hear someone yelling from the alley that I just walked past. 'Nah..its not problem'

"Dont ya fucking hear me you bastard?!"

"Im gonna fucking kill ya!"

'Damn it' at the end I choose to interfer that situation.

"Yo! What are you guys doing?" walking toward them

"Fuck off bitch!" said one of them.

"Ha! Are you lost?" said another guy.

"Nope! This is the right fucker" I smirk at them.

They snap and start running toward me try to punch me. But they all are too slow, I kick their head and punch their abdomen. They groan, unable to stand up. 'That was easy' I stepping on them and walking toward to the boy.

"Hey, are you okay? Hurt anywhere?" I ask him.

The boy start walking toward me "I thought we would never meet again, my sweet lil monster." the boy smile at and he wear a heels..wait heels?!

Then this boy must be.."Inupi?" I look at him with surprise expression. The boy pout.

"What with that name? You usually gonna call me shu-kun" he glare at me. 'E-ehh..what kind relationship we both have??!'

"Im sorry shu-kun, I losing my old memory" I chuckle, sweating badly try to making an excuse.

"It's alright. I know it must be hard to face it right? You've been coma for a week because you fall from the stairs and hit your head" he explain it to me. 'Wait.. coma for a week and I reincarnated into this body does it mean..she already dead?'

Suddenly my feet weakling and I feel nauseous Inupi quickly catch me from falling. "Are you okay?" he ask me. Im just nod and he take me to the bench near us.

"Im gonna call Koko to tell him about this." I let him call and leave me sitting alone at here. 'What actually happened?' I keep thinking and suddenly remember the diary that I found this morning. 'Maybe the answer is in here.' I open the book and start reading it.

September 20xx

Something start to feel off these days-


Without realizing a tears fall from my eyes. 'That bitch Ayaka...she did all this to her?!' I grit my teeth to hold my anger. "Im gonna make her pay!" I wipe my tears and suddenly Inupi and Koko run toward me with worry expression.

They both start to calming me down while Im still shock about what just happening. "Guys, im okay just a dust on my eyes" I chuckle at them.

"A single dust can make you eyes red like this?" Koko know i'm lying, he just way too smart. "But im fine now!" I smile at them. Koko and Inupi just sigh, know they wouldn't win by it. "What am I to you guys?" I ask them.

They both look at each other then look back at me with their hand touch and stroke my cheeks on both side. (I bet Izana gonna kick their ass after seing this👀) "we are your best friend, our sweet lil monster" then smile at me.

Oh..wait, how? "How we meet? aren't we live on different state?" I ask them.

"We know each other when a war gang fight at Yokohama." said Inupi. "Inupi and I got injured really bad. We thought we going to died but you found us and save our live. Since that we all always hang out together" continue Koko. I put my finger under my chin "ohhoo..what an unexpected meeting"

"Indeed" they both continue and we start to laughing after that. But then I cut the mood when I tell them I meet Ayaka. Their face immediately change into furious. "What?! That bitch meet you?" said Koko.

"That must be a dead wish" reply Inupi with growl voice.



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Heyyo! Im back🙋
Thank you for waiting my story to updates💖
Sorry for bad grammar👉👈


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