Chapter 42

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As kavish waited her, he felt every second like hours. He wanted to go to her company and wait outside as he could look her soon. But he knew she doesn't like if anybody saw her with him. He didn't confirm her thoughts towards their relationship that's why he didn't want to give her any excuse to stay away from him. He signed deeply. He can control mostly things in his life but he can't control Suhana.

Meanwhile, Ravi was anxious outside Kavish's cabin. Kavish has to attend urgent international conference but he refused to attend. Ravi tried to make understand client but the client was not ready to listen anything. He wanted to talk Kavish. Ravi knew Kavish put aside everything for only one person. He noticed his boss's gloomy mood since last few days. He didn't know reason but he could guess something happened between his boss and Suhana.

Suddenly, his boss got good mood and ordered to postpone every meeting and important works for later. He understood it's because of Suhana. But his boss was waiting for more than an hour and she didn't come.

He prayed in his heart and decided to take risk. He knocked the door and entered after hearing his boss's reply.

After entering into his boss's cabin, he looked his boss whose face was without any expression. But he was with his boss since many years that's why he knew his boss was not good mood.

He already decided to take risk that's why he opened his mouth and started to give report, "Sir, I already tried to make him understand but he wanted to talk you."

Kavish didn't say anything. He was not already in good mood. After hearing it, his eyes got dark. But after thinking a while, he opened his mouth, "Do necessary arrangement in fifteen minutes."

Kavish thought, 'It is more than one hour to her come. It's better to distract myself in work.'

Ravi felt he got lottery after hearing it. He immediately left his boss's cabin in the fear that his boss might change his boss. His boss was not like it before. But after meeting Suhana, there was dramatically change in his boss's behaviour. It's not that he was complaining. He was happy for his boss who had no family member to his side. But sometimes, it was hard to handle his boss's behaviour. Whatever, he was glad that his boss met Suhana.

Before going in meeting room, Kavish gave order to Ravi, "Wait for her outside. If she come early, ask her to wait in my cabin."

Nobody knows about Suhana and Kavish in his company except Ravi who was his left hand. Even Kavish's other secretaries and assistants had some guesses but they were not sure and not dare to ask or say anything.

Ravi nodded because he knew how important Suhana for his boss. After Kavish entered into meeting room, Ravi waited for Suhana.

As he was waited, he noticed the door of elevator opened. He already gave entry pass to Suhana that's why he knew she can come anytime. As he smiled and raised his head for welcome her, he got shocked. The person infront of him was not to whom he was waited. He frowned inwardly but he couldn't show on his face.

She asked in her sweet voice, "Hello, Mr Ravi, Is Kavish busy?"

Ravi composed himself and greeted, "Miss Chauhan, how do you do?" But he didn't gave reply of her question.

Deepika only nodded and asked again, "Where is he? Is he in cabin?"

Ravi told politely, "Boss is in meeting. It will take some time to finish." He couldn't say directly that she should come later and asked his boss before coming if he wants to meet her. But he implied.

Deepika frowned after hearing it. She knew what he wanted to say but she didn't show that she understood. She said innocently, "Don't worry. I will wait for him in his cabin."

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