Chapter 51

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Suhana woke up late in morning that's why she was in hurry. Kavish and she were dating since last week. Even, she knew him many months ago and they met many times but now they were in relationship that's why it was different. Kavish told her that he didn't expect many things from her but he wants they would meet daily.

Kavish gave her gifts like chocolate, flowers, cake daily. They were enjoying their time. Kavish was giving her lift daily. That's why she sent him text that she would come in 5 minutes. She knew his time is precious and he was waiting for her in his car which was parked on next street from her home that's why she thought to skip her breakfast and told Mrs Trivedi, "Mom, I am getting late. I will eat something in office."

But Mrs Trivedi denied, "Suhana, Eat your breakfast. It will only take few minutes. Let me serve your plate." Mrs Trivedi already put some food into her plate to eat that's why Suhana couldn't reject her.

She sat on dinning table to eat. She was worried that she would be late and most importantly Kavish would be late because of her. As she picked up the cup of tea, her hand shook and few drops of tea spilled on her dress. "Shit"

Suhana put the cup back on table and stood up. The spots were clear on her dress. She said dejectedly, "I will be late for sure now." She ran into her room for change the dress. She was specially dress up because of Kavish since last week that's why she selected her dress last night as she would not waste time for selecting dress. Now, the dress was spolied, "What would I do?" She thought and started to look new dress in her wardrobe.

Mrs Trivedi looked Suhana to run into her room and shook her head helplessly, "When would this girl start to take care herself? She only knows how to work daily."

Mr Trivedi who was reading newspaper on sofa told his wife, "Pack something for her otherwise she would go without eating."

After hearing, Mrs Trivedi started to pack some food for Suhana as she could eat later.

After few minutes, the mobile rang on dinning table. Mr Trivedi looked towards dinning table then Suhana's room. When he noticed she didn't come out from her room and her mobile was ringing, he stood up and went to dinning table. He looked the screen. There was a Male's name. Suhana does work and Mr Trivedi and Mrs Trivedi were not conservative persons. They knew when she works, it's reasonable to keep contacts to male.

Mr Trivedi thought it was important call and he answered the call many times for her that's why he didn't think much and replied up call, "Hello"

The other side was silent. Kavish looked at screen with doubt. She texted him that she would come in five minutes but he was waiting for her for more than 15 minutes that's why he thought to call her. He didn't expect that other person replied the call.

He sat straightly on his seat and asked nervously, "Hello uncle, is Suhana at home?"

Mr Trivedi replied, "yes, is there something?" Suhana was late but it was not time to start her office. Other party was calling that's why there was something important.

Kavish cleared his throat and told him, "Actually uncle, I am Kavish, Suhana's boyfriend. I came to pick up her. She didn't come out that's why I called her to confirm." Kavish knew he shouldn't tell a lie to Mr Trivedi. Suhana's family will know about them soon. When the situation is infront of him, how can he miss this chance? Even now they were in relationship but he wants more. The human is always greedy. They can't satisfy with what they have. They always expect more and more. Initially, he thought it was enough for him if she acknowledges his existence in her life. After that he thought if they meet occasionally it was enough. After that he thought if they were in relationship. Now, he wants more.

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