Chapter 45

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Kavish looked calmly at Mrs Chauhan and said, "Aunty, is she seriously like me? Dont we clearly know how she felt towards me in past?" He said with mocking tone, "If I remember correctly she hates me." They were talking nonsense in front of Suhana. How can he let it happen?

Mr Chauhan and Mrs Chauhan looked at him with stunned. Kavish never talked them like it. He always respected them in past. Even never disagreed there unreasonable requests. But why he was doing now? They looked at Suhana with hatred. Because of her, they were going to lose best husband for their daughter.

In the past, Mr Chauhan didn't have any greed in his mind when he took Kavish to his home for shelter. Mr Chauhan was a good friend to Kavish's father. He took his friend's son to home for his friend. But when Kavish took over the Singh Group and in his presence, it started to grow bigger. He thought to idea for his daughter to marry him. He shared his idea to his wife who was not agree initially but when he made her understand that their daughter will be happy with Kavish. Even he is gratitude with them.

After thinking pros and cons, they talked to their daughter. They knew Deepika doesn't like him a bit. But for their daughter lifetime happiness, they decided to talk her. Till then, Deepika heard about Kavish who was best bachelor of the city and dream boy for many girls in her circle. She was regretting not behaving well in front of him when he was living in her house. If she didn't shown her disagreement in front of his face, she could talk him for to be her boyfriend now. She knew now its impossible.

That's why she agreed immediately after her parents suggested her to marry with him. But she was hesitant, "Mom and dad, you know he knows I didn't like him.... how will he...."

Her parents understood what she wanted to say. Mr Chauhan touched her head with affection and said, "You don't need to worry. I will handle everything if you agree."

Deepika hugged her dad, "Thank you dad." She smiled to think to marry the most bachelor man.

Before her parents said anything, Deepika said loudly, "Kavish, that time I was young and immature. Now I am mature."

Kavish looked at her with disdain, "Oh really, now you are mature? You said to my girlfriend I am your fiance. Since when? I remember I never exchange rings with you. Even I never hold your hand. how would I become your fiance without my knowledge? Deepika, I tolerated you because of uncle otherwise do you think I will let you enter into my office and boss around to my employees? Do you think I don't know what you did behind my back? I was keep quiet because of your father. I have enough of you. You understood?"

Deepika looked at him with anger. Before she lashed out on him, Mr Chauhan stopped her and looked at Kavish, "Kavish, do you know what are you saying? I thought you like her."

Kavish looked his uncle and calmed down, "Uncle, I know very well what I am saying. I didn't say anything in past didn't mean I don't know anything. I didn't make fuss because we all know the reason. I respect you but it doesn't mean I have no self respect. She doesn't like me and I feel same to her. She likes me? Did she ever show it? What did she do for me? She thinks highly of herself even I have doubt she respects me."

"I have girlfriend now and we have mutual feelings that's why I don't want she misunderstands about me." Kavish looked at Suhana with affection and gave her blissful smile which Suhana returned with small smile. She was feeling awkward to listening them. But she knew Kavish was doing it for her... for their future.

Kavish was blessed to meet Suhana otherwise he didn't feel any happiness in his life. After his parents death, he was living alone and lovely. There was nobody who wants him without any return. He didn't have any aim or wish. He only wanted to do work and work as he would forget to be alone in this world.

But Suhana was miracle of his life. He didn't know why he likes her but he does. Even he knows Suhana will take time to accept him wholeheartedly but he is willing to wait for her. Even if it's lifetime wait.

After hearing it, Deepika couldn't control herself. She already told everyone in her circle that she was future Mrs Singh and They will marry soon. Now, he was telling he didn't want. How can she let it happen? Even she doesn't love him but she was ready to accept him. Shouldn't he feel gratitude to her? But he was insulting her in front that women who was lowly to her.

She shouted to point towards Suhana , "Do you think she likes you? She only likes your money and status. You are so naive, Kavish. She is only a employee of small company which we never look up and yet you are comparing me to her." Suhana frowned after hearing. She was poor it doesn't mean she let anybody insult her. What if she is poor, she never do anything which she should have be shame. Meanwhile, Kavish's blood was boiling with anger. He knew Deepika never respect who was below to her but she was insulting his Suhana in front of him. What if Suhana doesn't have money and status,  he is willing to give her his everything. After marrying him, she will be equal to him. She will be above to others. Kavish looked at Suhana who was not happy to hear it. He slightly squeezed her hand which was in his hand under the table. Suhana looked at him and he assured her that he will handle everything.  He wanted to give some sense to Deepika but looking at her crazy smile, he frowned what was she thinking.

After thinking something a crazy smile came on Deepika's face as she looked at Kavish, "Have you ever told her why you can't touch any women? Why do you feel disgusting towards women? Have you even hold her hand?" Deepika didn't know they already did everything between a couple do but Deepika was ignorant. Deepika looked kavish to Suhana. Deepika raised her eyebrow towards Suhana. Suhana was confused but she felt Kavish's body stiffed to hear it.  Suhana felt she was missing something.

Deepika thought she grasped his weakness. If he didn't give her and her parents what they want then what the use to be polite. If she can't get what she wanted, she won't let them. She smirked and said with mocking tone, "Kavish, do you think any girl would want to be with you after knowing your past? You feel gratitude that I am ready to marry you after knowing everything. But you are not. Do you think your girlfriend will want to be with you if she knows that you....." Before she said something more, Mr Chauhan stood up his chair and dragged Deepika towards her to stop with horror. He looked Kavish's bloodshot eyes. It was taboo to his life.

Even Kavish wont marry Deepika but Kavish respect him. It was enough for his business. What if he came to Kavish's bad side? He didn't want to end up like Kavish's uncle family.

Mr Chauhan put his hand on his daughter's mouth and said, "Deepika, its enough." Deepika looked at her father when she realised what she was going to do. She came to her sense. Mrs Chauhan was feared because she didn't expect her daughter would do foolish thing.

Deepika controlled herself but complained to her father, "Dad, but.."

This time, Mrs Chauhan spoke, "Deepika, dont say anything." She shook her head toward her daughter for keep quiet. Deepika pursued her lips in thin line.

Mr Chauhan looked towards Kavish with horror. When he noticed Deepika mess up enough, he apologized politely to Kavish, "Kavish, I am sorry for Deepika. I will teach her how to behave. Please don't be angry." He tried to see Kavish's expression. When Kavish didn't say anything, only looked them with bloodshot eyes, Mr Chauhan said, "Kavish, I am sorry again. We are going now. I will talk to you later."

After that, he pointed towards Mrs Chauhan who nodded to him. Mrs Chauhan held Deepika hand and left the room.

Suhana looked bewildered what happened. After leaving them, Suhana looked Kavish who looked angry. She never looked him like it. Even when he was angry to her. She didn't know what to do because she was not good to socialise. She didn't know what to say or do. Kavish held her hand but his hand was shaking. Meanwhile Kavish was sitting like statue.

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