Chapter 49

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At 5:30 pm, Suhana called Kavish that she would free in half an hour. Kavish replied he would reach at time but she didn't know he was already waiting for her in front of her office.

Kavish thought she would be free at 5 but she took half day off last day that's why she was busy to cover up. She wanted to do till 7 but she promised Kavish to go out with him that's why she had to finish her work early.

At 6 pm, she packed her stuff. She looked her clothes and thought should she change it or not? She knew when couples go on date, they dress up.

In past she went out with Kavish many times but she didn't think much because that time they were not in relationship. But now they are. She knew her clothes are expensive but it were professional. It was first time she was going on date with him. Even she knew he didn't think much when he asked her to go out but for her it was their first date. When she called him she didn't think much because she was busy. But now, it was time to go out. Her brain started to work towards it. If she didn't call him, she could go nearest mall and buy dress for date. But now he would wait  for her. That's why she denied the idea to buy dress for her and came out from office.

As she thought to call him whether he came or not, she looked his car sideways. She took steps towards his car. The office hours already passed that's why there were only few peoples which are not from her department that's why she didn't need to take precautions that someone would recognise her or not.

As she opened the car door and sat in car, Kavish pulled her into his arms and put his lips on her. She didn't expect it that's why she was shocked initially but soon she started to respond him.

After satisfied with their kiss, he pulled away his lips from her but rubbed her lips with his thumb. He said in husky voice, "Did you miss me? Because I miss you so much." Initially, he thought it was enough for him if he could see her once in a day but now she agreed to be with him. He wanted to spend together as much time as he can.

Suhana blinked her eyes and thought, 'didn't they meet in morning? She was so busy in office that she somehow managed to take her time for lunch. She is a small employee in small company but she was busy while he is CEO of big group but wasn't he busy? Both of them took half day off last day that's why they had to adjust work today, no?'

Looking at her expression, he wanted to kiss her again but he controlled himself because if he lost control, he would take her in his bed.

He only gave a light peck on her lips and suggested, "Why don't you join my company?" In this way, they can spend together as much time as they want.

He thought it's good idea but for her, it was ridiculous idea. She was employee of small company. How was she qualified to join big company? She knew her limit. Even she was in relationship with him, she didn't want to take advantage of him. If it didn't work between them, she didn't want to awkward between them.

After hearing it, she chuckled lightly, "You are kidding, right?"

Looking at her expression, he knew she didn't take his suggestion seriously. It's ok he has a long time to spend with her. He already waited so much. Now their relationship were going on track and he could not be impatient.

He ordered driver to drive. After that, he looked at her and asked, "How was your day? Were you busy?"

After noticing, he changed topic. She didn't think much and told him, "Yeah, I am working on important project and the deadline is near that's why we need to finish as soon as possible."

He nodded with understanding but he suggested, "work is important. But you need to take care yourself." He already knew she finished a project few days ago and without rest, she started to work on another. But he didn't say her to stop doing work as she couldn't tired herself.

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