Chapter 14: Jealousy

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"I'll pull you out of your black hole, if that's where you have been residing

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"I'll pull you out of your black hole, if that's where you have been residing."


"They did what?" Samyraa fumed.

Apparently, a week had passed since her suspension, and now that she was back, she wanted a little summary of what happened while she was absent from school. And upon hearing the news about Felix and Chaeri's fake viral video, she was furious.

"Control your anger, Sam," Chan pleaded, "We don't want more drama following up that incident-"

"Who do they think they are?!" she saw only white fury, "I'm going to find them and make them beg for forgiveness!"

"That's way too dramatic," Chan folded his arms, "Why do you even want to do it?"

Truth to be told, ever since the incident that got her suspended, she felt exceptionally protective of Lee Felix. As if that new boy was vulnerable and delicate — as fragile as thin glass. And she felt an overpowering urge to protect him from everyone in the school who would pick on him.

"I don't know," she mumbled, "But I really need to."

"Sam-" Chan began, but she intervened, "Would you want to tolerate this?"


"This. Tolerate your friend's reputation being ruined."

"No..." Chan sighed, "But that doesn't mean we'll get violent over it. Talking it out can be a good option to make them apologize too."

"Chan, please don't start with the peace option again. I'm way past asking them nicely," Samyraa placed her hands on the sides of her waist.

Chan shook his head in disbelief, "So what? You're going to beat that person up?"

"That, and make them apologize to Felix."

"You do know Chaeri's reputation is being ruined too, right?"

She stopped; had she forgotten all about the girl's insult too? Was she that focused on Felix?

"Yeah, her too," she brushed it off casually, inwardly puzzled.

Chan sighed for the umpteenth time, "What's going on, Samyraa?"

"What has to?"

"You just came back from a suspension period, and you're going to get yourself in trouble again? Think about it; Felix and Chaeri have already gotten over it. The story is closed. Why do you want to start it all over again?"

Samyraa turned away, "Because I don't believe in cliffhangers, Chan. There has to be a happy ending to some things."

With that, she walked off, leaving Chan facepalming after her.


"So that means 'I'm hungry'?" Felix asked, making the hand motions before Chaeri, who clapped for him, nodding.

"Wow, I think I'm doing pretty well, eh?" he chuckled, and she nodded, raising an eyebrow, and writing: of course, you are! I'm a good teacher.

"Can't disagree, but I'm a good student too!" he protested.

She wrote: yeah, who likes to stare out of the window and doodle. Yeah, of course.

"Hey! You do that too!"

Both of them laughed.

"So I was thinking-" Felix couldn't complete when they heard someone falling on the ground. The two turned to see a boy being pushed onto the ground by a raging Samyraa, who stared him down.

The boy looked up at her, his lip busted and terror shining in his eyes. She picked him up with his collar, and dragged him towards Felix and Chaeri, who sat agape.

Once they reached the couple, Samyraa jerked him towards Felix, and yelled, "Apologize, bastard!"

The boy just cried out, "Save me from this girl!"

Samyraa rolled up her sleeves, "What did you say?!"

"I-I mean I'm sorry, Felix and Chaeri!" the boy cowardly muttered.

Felix stood up along with Chaeri, and by now, the entire class' eyes were on the four. He looked around, and understanding the bit of Korean that the boy had spoken to him and Chaeri, he stood dumbfounded.

"Felix, Chaeri, I heard about what happened when I was gone. This was the asshole who had circulated that fake video," Samyraa clarified.

"Oh," Felix spoke, and looked at Chaeri. She nodded, and he simply looked at the boy fallen on the ground, and spoke, "It's alright, mate. Please don't go that far again."

"That's it?" Samyraa screeched, "He did such damage to your reputation and that's what you say to him?"

Chaeri came forward to crouch down beside the boy and check if he had some serious bruises. She saw that along with a busted lip, he did have a bruise on his cheek. Samyraa, watching that, groaned, "Unbelievable!"

"Hey, look," Felix spoke to her, "I don't have the heart to punch him, you know. Although I appreciate what you've done for us, I don't have the guts to make this a bigger scene that what it already is."

Before Samyraa could say anything, Felix continued, "But thank you, Samyraa. For everything. You've been such a good friend, and you still risked it all by beating him up even after getting suspended once. You're a real one!"

Samyraa stared at him. All he'd said was a token of gratefulness, but why did that make her heart beat faster?

He came forward to hold her hands in a comforting manner, and spoke, "Thank you!"

And that smile did things to her.

Meanwhile, Chaeri wiped the remnants of blood from the culprit boy's lip with her handkerchief, and looking up at Felix holding Samyraa's hands, she felt a pang of jealousy strike her heart.

Why was this happening? She didn't really like him that was... did she?

(a/n: oooooh dramaaa~

I'm gonna make this story the cutest thing ever, just wait-

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