Chapter 19: Hurt

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"My stars desperately call for you, hoping you would complete my constellations once again

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"My stars desperately call for you, hoping you would complete my constellations once again."


Felix grabbed his phone and his backpack, exiting his dorm room and locking it. Samyraa, who had left earlier this morning, had spent hours copying his work, and although he wasn't too keen about sharing his original work with someone, he let it slide because Samyraa was a good friend.

And he really, really wished to meet Chaeri again.

He reminisced about how she had straight up sprinted away from him the previous day, and he had been worried sick ever since. What happened to her all of a sudden?

Walking towards her dorm room, he knew he was about to find out about it.

He knocked on the door, and once again, Jeongin opened it. Felix smiled brightly; Jeongin must be sleepy again, right? He was adorable at times, he could admit.

But today, as soon as Jeongin saw Felix's smile, he scowled.

"Oh, it's you!" he spat distastefully.

"Um, hi?" Felix was taken aback by the tone of his voice, and how skeptical and judgmental he was towards him, but he continued anyway, "Is Chaeri-"

"Stop it, please," Jeongin narrowed his eyes, "Just focus on your girlfriend and leave my sister alone!"

Understanding the Korean language due to some hard efforts in studying it, Felix understood the words, but not the intention behind them, "Huh?"

"She cried herself to sleep because of you, Felix!"

Felix's eyes widened.

"Wha- why?" Felix panicked, frowning.

"Why wouldn't she? She had started liking you, don't you know that?" Jeongin fumed, "And you broke her heart. Now, I don't know what exactly happened, but I know that you hurt my sister, and I'm not gonna let you anywhere close to her!"

She had started liking him? Since when? What went on?

"No, let me talk to her! Please?" Felix begged, his frown getting bigger and bigger.

"Go away," Jeongin glowered at him once before slamming the door shut on his face.

Felix stood in front of the door for a long moment, flabbergasted, trying to process what had just occurred.

What girlfriend? And Chaeri liked him? But why did she cry herself to sleep, then?

A million unanswered questions swarmed his head, and he balled his fists, overwhelmed with whatever had just taken place. He felt like crying, genuinely.

His fists tightened as a tear trickled down his face.

He just wanted to meet Chaeri. Was it too much to ask for?

He had no idea how, but even after having spent amazing moments with her, and having sworn to be her comfort place, he had hurt her.

In what way, he could not understand.

So, with lousy, small steps, he returned to his dorm, closing the door behind him.


Chaeri walked out of the washroom after washing her face, that was previously stained with tears. She had heard some familiar voices while she was in the compartment, so she looked at Jeongin questioningly.

He understood, and spoke, "It was him. I told him off, so don't worry, noona; he won't hurt you again."

Chaeri's eyes widened, and she frantically motioned him: why did you do that?!

"He hurt you! How could I let him close to you again?"

She sighed, and then motioned again: I still like him...

"Noona!" Jeongin groaned, "You'll find someone better!"

She narrowed her eyes and motioned: he is the only one who has ever approached me first. He's not common. It was obvious how I would fall for him. It's just one-sided, and it's okay! I can accept that!

Jeongin heaved out a sigh, "Why are you like this..."

He then stepped closer to her and enveloped her in his arms, rubbing her back slowly, "It's alright. If you're okay, then I'm okay too."

Chaeri smiled, feeling warm and loved.

"You don't need to go to school today. Just stay; I'll make you hot chocolate and we can watch movies. Is that okay?"

(a/n: Jeongin is literally so cute ajagsjsyskshsjsjs

Also, this:

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