Chapter 26: Chemistry And Julius Caeser

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"Starry nights, those that remind me of you

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"Starry nights, those that remind me of you."


"This is my sixth cup of coffee and I still can't understand the concept of covalent bonds!" Changbin cried out, and Minho sighed, saying, "I've explained it to you eight times now. Shut up and study something else." 

"Um, I got it. I can explain," Felix spoke up, trying his best to form full sentences in Korean after the help he had received from Chaeri and Chan, and Changbin looked at him as if he was some sort of God. 

"Yes, please!" 

Felix shifted a little bit away from Chaeri, who was busy trying to form the bonds herself on the piece of paper, and he explained the concept to the struggling Changbin, "It consists of the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms-" 

"You're all going to kill me for asking this, but uh..." Changbin was embarrassed when he spoke, "What's an electron?" 

Everyone sat silent. Changbin looked around and spoke, "Is this silence for my stupidity, or does no one know what an electron is?" 

Chaeri immediately wrote down: Changbin, sit with me. I'll explain! 

Chan watched how Felix formed a jealous pout as Changbin scurried over to Chaeri, and she commenced writing on the sheets, making Changbin nod and widen his eyes in realization, "Oh! Okay, okay, this was taught to us three years ago." 

Chaeri giggled soundlessly, and Felix looked away, making Chan chuckle at his adorableness. He sat down beside Felix and spoke, "Someone's jealous~

"Shh, quiet!" Felix looked at Chaeri, who was busy teaching Changbin Chemistry, "Don't let her hear you! And no, I'm not jealous.

"One can literally smell the jealousy from miles away, Lix," Chan giggled, "Don't worry; Chaeri is too loyal to do anything you wouldn't like.

"I know... but I wanna be taught by her, too," Felix developed a little pout as he spoke, his eyes softening and his voice going low. 

"Then, my brother," Chan said as if it was the most obvious thing ever (and it was), "Go and ask her something!

"Yeah," Felix balled his small fists up in determination, and nodding at Chan, he turned away to Chaeri, who was just about done explaining the concept to Changbin. 

Changbin exclaimed, "Damn, you're good at this! How have we not cheated in tests before?" 

Chaeri laughed, writing down: i don't know! 

"Next time onwards, you're helping me cheat. Deal?" 

She wrote: deal! 

"Yeah, yeah, if you're all done making deals, let me remind you that she's mine," Felix spoke with a hint of jealousy, forgetting that he had to ask her something just for the sake of it, and wrapping his arms around Chaeri from behind and nuzzling his face in her neck. Her eyes widened in surprise; this was new. And she could so easily sense how he was just pretty jealous at the moment. 

That made her crack a smile, and Changbin protested, "I know! You got lucky to have such a smart girlfriend, Felix!" 

"I know," he chuckled lazily, rubbing his head in her neck like a kitten, and Chaeri couldn't get redder. 

"OOOOOH!" Minho hooted, leaving his halfway-done Chemistry equation as it was. Chan laughed hard, and that's when the doorbell to Chan's dorm room rang. 

Chaeri looked at the time; it was 2:43 AM. Who could possibly be arriving so late at night? 

But she got her answers as Samyraa walked into the dorm, with a bag of books slung across her shoulders, and an indifferent expression on her face. Chan happily went to her, exclaiming, "Sam! Hey!" 

"Hi, Chan," she smiled, and looking around at the people in the room, she waved to everyone. Her gaze fell on Felix stuck to Chaeri like a koala, and her smile wavered a bit; yet, she still waved at the two. 

Chaeri felt guilty for making that smile waver. She knew how Samyraa liked Felix, too -- it was so evident with every move of hers that she made when she actively attended the classes. A month or so had passed ever since they had seen Samyraa around, and now, late at night, with Felix stuck to her, she felt like she was held responsible for the absence of Samyraa all this while. 

But Chaeri still grinned a little and waved at her. 

Samyraa sat down beside Minho, and Chan was uncharacteristically zealous, "Sam, you're so damn late! Where were you?" 

"I was completing the Literature assignment," she said, "I won't ever understand why Julius Caeser was that dumb. I mean, he legit got killed because of his high-headedness!" 

"Aaand thanks for the spoiler," Minho sarcastically spat. 

"Wait, you haven't read it yet?" Changbin questioned. 

"Um, no?" 

"Dude, we have to submit the damn assignment tomorrow! And you haven't even read it!" Felix panicked, and Minho smugly grinned, staring at Samyraa. 

"What?" she questioned. 

Minho just wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Wha- NO! I'm not doing the assignment for you!" 

"Please? I'll let you play with Soonie, Doongie, and Dori!" Minho bribed her. 

And Samyraa actually halted, thinking over it. A minute later, she groaned, "Alright! This wasn't fair play!" 

"Thanks, sweetheart," Minho teasingly spoke, and she made puking noises, getting up to go to her dorm to fetch the material for the project. 

"You're going alone? At this time in the night?" Chan questioned, concerned. 

"I came here alone, too," Samyraa stated. 

"No, I'm coming with you," Chan spoke, and Chaeri found herself wanting to put a closure to whatever tension she and Samyraa shared. She wanted to be her friend, despite everything that happened and could have happened. 

So she insisted to go with her, raising her hand and motioning to Felix, and he explained to the others what she wanted to say, "She says she wants to go with Samyraa." 

"You don't need to," Samyraa said, but Chaeri still insisted stubbornly. 

Chan wasn't a fan of the idea, but he still agreed, "Sam, take her with you. You can't possibly have enough hands to bring all the material alone." 

Samyraa sighed, "Alright." 

(a/n: hehe quick update!! 

I was listening to Strawberries & Cigarettes while writing this, and dayummm the vibe fits! 

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