Chapter 17: Uneasy

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"Walk with me through the abyss of time; a journey amongst the stars and the galaxies

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"Walk with me through the abyss of time; a journey amongst the stars and the galaxies."


Chaeri, Felix, and Samyraa walked out of the classroom as the school hours had just ended, the three of them walking towards the dormitories together. While Samyraa was uncharacteristically cheery and giggly, and Felix appreciative and zealous, Chaeri tried to fit in.

The pace of the conversation was so quick, and Chaeri felt like she really lacked a voice whenever she wanted to add into the topic being discussed.

"You know Mister Choi? That one stern teacher? Last year, he ripped his pants halfway through a class!" Samyraa laughed loudly.

"No way! I feel so bad for him!" Felix chuckled.

Chaeri remembered that moment and giggled soundlessly, and brought out her notepad to pen down another anecdote relating to Mister Choi. However, before she could finish writing, Samyraa unknowingly changed the topic, "Anyways, did you understand anything in today's literature class?"

Chaeri stopped writing, disappointed, but tried to hide it under a smile, listening to the conversation.

"No," Felix replied to Samyraa, "I don't get why Juliet killed herself, though. It seemed out of place for some reason."

Chaeri yet again started writing hastily, but the conversation changed its course again.

She tore off the page and crumbled it in her fist, feeling so out of place and helpless.

Only if she had a voice.

Feeling tears pricking her eyes, she brisk-walked forward, until she realised that she was running away from them, heading towards her dorm room. Maybe that would make her feel welcomed and accepted. Jeongin would be waiting for her, and she could feel included again. It'll be alright.

Yet, on the way itself, tears trickled down her face, and her lips twisted into a frown. The students around her stared at her, and she realised something:

This was the first time she had cried in front of anyone other than her brother.

Feeling embarrassed, she sped up, finally reaching her dorm room. But as she walked in, she realised that it was empty. She gazed upon a note stuck to the refrigerator by a magnet, and it read:

Sorry noona, boss called again. I'll be back by the night. Please don't wait for me for dinner, though. I'll text you when I'm free.
~ Jeongin<3

Reading the note, she felt lonelier than before. So there was no one to wipe her tears, now, wasn't it?

It was already getting late, and wiping her tears roughly with her sleeve, she looked out of her window to see if anyone was around the corridor. Seeing no one, she walked out of her dorm room and climbed the stairs to her favorite spot.

Yet, tonight, her eyes were filled with tears.

Chaeri had cried to the stars before, unveiling her vulnerability to them without a second thought. But tonight, she was filled with unbelievable agony.

She was frustrated with her condition. She didn't want to live voiceless anymore. She wanted to know how she would sound, and she wanted it now, more than ever.

She realised how much she liked Felix - perhaps more than a friend. But what was she going to do about it? Write it on a sheet of paper while a girl as good as Samyraa made him laugh?

Life wasn't fair.

She knew that Felix deserved someone better than her, but she selfishly wanted him to herself. She wanted to be someone he loved.

She wanted a place in Lee Felix's heart.

So she looked up at the stars, her vision hazy due to all the tears in her eyes, and sobbed.

After all, Yang Chaeri was mute, and that's how people saw her.


As soon as Chaeri had run away, Felix had been feeling uneasy.

He remembered how he had tried to run after her, but Samyraa had held him back and told him give her some space. Apparently, he hadn't heard her sob.

So he awake in his bed, staring at the ceiling aimlessly and pondering over the events that had taken place.

Samyraa was pretty fun to be with, he had realised, as he had taken some time to get to know her. Her sense of humor was impeccable, and she did have a lot of adventurous anecdotes to share.

She was a good friend.

But his mind couldn't stop wandering over to Chaeri's thoughts again and again. The way she had run away without a warning and hadn't returned ever since.

Felix lay uneasy, and decided that he needed to talk to her as soon as possible.

(a/n: hiiii happy new year 2022!!

This is my FIRST post of 2022, so I hope it receives love!! I hope you achieve everything you wish to achieve this year!!

Thanks for reading! I love you!)

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