Chapter 1

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Darkness is all that surrounds me as I sit here barely conscious

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Darkness is all that surrounds me as I sit here barely conscious. I try to open my eyes as my head begins to have rapid shocks shooting intense pain which racks my whole body.

Not again.

All I can think about is how I can't live like this anymore. I look around to notice the familiar room of the basement. The metallic sent invaded my surrounding as the memories of the many beatings played in repeat in my mind.

I try standing up but as I move an ear piercing screech escapes me; a new found pain engulfs my senses as my eyes begin to tear up. I slap my hand over my mouth tightly, squeezing my eye close alone with it  as I  pray I haven't just woken up my parents.

The sound of my rapid heart beat is all that can be heard for a minute or two as I hear no motion upstairs, I breath out a sigh of relief.

I reach for the paracetamol and pull out the last 2 in the pack reminding myself to make breakfast for my parents who will be wake soon.

Limping, I get upstairs  to start making breakfast.

I let out a large sigh as my breathing felt stuck in my lungs and let my daydreaming overcome me as I thought about life away from here.

Once I  finished making breakfast, I treaded slowly back downstairs to get ready for school.

School is like my escape, many people talk about how bad school is but I love it. Without school, I would be stuck in this hell whole.

A smile adorns my face as my mind floats to my computer science teacher who has been the only support in my life.

My extra lessons with her created our special bond as she reminded me of my potential daily

After getting ready for school, I get going before being seen by my parents.

In the morning, the torment is worsened as they carry around their hangovers from the alcohol confined the night before

My parents are always drunk or have hangover. Ever since she died and they still believe it's my fault.

My life used to be perfect. My parents once used to love and care for me although, that all changed from a young age.

After getting ready for school, I grab my bag and head upstairs before they can see me. However, today I wasn't so lucky.

The house is so dirty with empty alcohol bottles scattered randomly and used plates covering the table. I usually clean after school while they drink at the pub.

I think I even saw a rat run past on the way to the door. Disgusting.

Just as my hand reaches for the door handle, I hear someone scream my name.

At that moment my body froze, a cold sweat drips down my forhead. I stood there scanning my brain to see what I did wrong.

"Liliana get up here right now!" Shouted my mum which snapped me out of my thoughts

Walking inside the kitchen, I see my mother standing near the food I made.

"YOU UGLY, UNGRATEFUL BITCH! Why is my food cold and taste horrible!" She said furiously.

"I'm sorry." I stated with my head down shaking from how scared I was.

At that moment, she strolled up to me and a loud bang was heard as she slapped me across my face.

The heat vibrated across my ear as it left a slight buzzing sound.

"You slut I give you a roof over your head the least you can do is cook and clean." She said with anger.

Not a second later, I feel a hard blow to my stomach causing me to hold my ribs as I groan in pain.

I hate her so much I wish I had enough strength to stand up to her and hit her back but I am just not strong enough.

"Now get out of my face before you ruin my eyes with your ugly face." She stated with disgust spitting at my feet.

Obeying, I then left the house walking towards school with my head hanging low.

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