Chapter 2

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Once I reach school my eyes begin scanning the area for my best friend Sophia

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Once I reach school my eyes begin scanning the area for my best friend Sophia.

"LILIANA!" Screamed Sophia making me jump however I try covering it up as I run towards her ignoring the pain in my left rib.

"SOPHIA!" I shout back tackling her into a hug. I haven't seen her all weekend since I have been busy with work.

"Omg I missed you so much bitch." She said bringing a smile to my face.

"I know how could you not miss me." I joked earning me a light shove. We have been friends for 7 years now and we tell each other everything.

"How bad are your bruises today I brought the first aid kit just in case." She whispers cautiously as she knows I don't want anyone finding out.

"There not to bad today. Just my ribs hurt a lot." I reply casually.

I told her about the abuse 4 years ago. When she saw the blood and bruises on my body. She said she would tell someone but I convinced her to keep it a secret for me so now she just helps clean the cuts.

The school day continues and as I get into my least favourite class English. I see the head teacher's assistant walking in the corridor and I can already guess it's for me.

She has heels on so you could hear her walking around and was chewing gum really loudly.

However, when she got to my class she called my name out loud. Causing me to smirk thank god someone saved me from this boring lesson.

I am always in the head teacher's office for fights or because of causing problems so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Strolling into the head teacher's office I immediately began talking confidently.

"It wasn't my fault I had to punch her Bob she was annoying me and she knows not to mess with me. I say casually not noticing the woman standing in the corner.

When I look over towards the head teacher I see sympathy written across his face which makes my face scrunch up in confusion.

"My name is mr David to you, and I am sorry to inform you this but your parents have passed away due to driving drunk." He said his voice laced with sympathy.

I hate when people try giving me sympathy like stop pretending you care.

"What..." I couldn't form a sentence as my whole mind was at shock

Tears brim my eyes as I pretend to care when on the inside I'm actually partying and overjoyed by this news. The amount of times I have prayed for them to die I feel like I'm finally free.

"Will I-I be g-going to an orphanage." I sobbed worried I may actually have parents even worse then the ones I just lost. When I wished they had died I don't really think about where I would go but now it passes my mind I get a little scared.

"We are not sure as of right now but you will be going with you social worker who will check if you have any other family." The head teacher announces.

I look up at the social worker she looks like she is in her 30s with a kind face but has sympathy written all over it. She is wearing a black blazer with black heels.

"Hey sweetheart, can you come with me back to the station?" She asked me nicely as I got up and walked up to her.

"Goodbye Bob don't miss me too much." I joke and he chuckles

"Goodbye Liliana." He replies as we leave his office.

The next chapter will be up tomorrow.
Thank you for reading.❤️❤️

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