Chapter 27

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Sitting down on the couch, I pick up the remote to put a movie on

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Sitting down on the couch, I pick up the remote to put a movie on. However, my dad begins talking causing me to stop.

"Your cousins and grandparents should be coming later on today." Dad mentions as big smiles etch on everyone's face. But mine only turns into a frown.

What if they don't like me? What if they don't want me to stay here? What if they are exactly like mom?

"Principessa." Angelo shakes me as I come out of my thoughts to see everyone looking at me with troubled looks.

"What?" I ask puzzled by everyone's expression but they don't turn their stare away from me.

"I called you many times to get no answer and why are there tears in your eyes." As Angelo includes that I feel a warm tear roll down my face an he wipes it away.

"What if they don't like me?" I whisper out not knowing if I actually want him to hear.

"They already love you, trust me they have been begging us to meet you ever since you got here." Angelo assures pulling me into a much needed hug.

"Okay but when they come please stand next to me." I mumble so only Angelo can hear me as I remember everyone else who are watching our interaction.

"Fine, now should we watch a movie till they arrive?" Angelo looks around as we all sit comfortably on the multiple couches. Ready to start watching.

"I'm going to go get drinks and snacks anyone want some." Matteo announces standing up

"Get me some please."
"Get me some bro."
"And me please."

Me Luca and Lorenzo speedily call out looking for a movie.

Angelo stands up and begins walking upstairs but comes back after a couple of minutes with a laptop in hand.

Dad also gets up and walks over to his office leaving me, Luca and Lorenzo in the living room waiting for everyone to come back.

"I will just do some work while watching the movie so I'm not too far behind when Gianni gets here." Angelo informs us placing the laptop beside me and leaving a space for dad.

"Let me go see what dad is doing then we can start the movie." Angelo states exiting the room once again.

I see Matteo come back with drinks and as I reach out to get mine he spills it on me causing me to scream.

"Matteo your so annoying what is everyone's problem today? This is the second time I have got water thrown on me!" I whine pissed of from being drenched in water again.

"I'm- I'm sorry." Matteo try's to not burst out laughing but fails miserably.

"What you laughing at." I grit out but he just chuckles more.

I look around for something to get revenge when I see another glass of water.

I pick it up as he continues laughing and pour it over his head causing a gasp to escape his lips.

"What the hell!" Matteo shouts as now I start laughing uncontrollably.

"Haha karma!" I squeal as he begins chasing me while I run around the table.

I see one more glass of water and while he looks the other way I pick it up and throw the water at his face making him even more angry.

"Stop it before dad and Angelo get back!" Lorenzo growls but we ignore him still glaring at each other.

"You are soo dead." Matteo grits out chasing me as I laugh at how angry he is.

I'm so fucked. He sounds like he is going to kill me.


"Help me!" I scream running away as fast as I can but he is faster.

Catching up to me he grabs me and picks me up taking me to the kitchen and filling up multiple glasses as I scream and try getting out of his hold.

Lorenzo and Luca stand at the door smirking as I beg them to help me. 

Just as matteo fills up to glasses I successfully get out of his hold and grab a glass full of water splashing it at Luca and Lorenzo causing them to curse and move out of the way as I continue running back to the living room.

Now all 3 are against me and barge into the room leaving me no where to escape however I still have half a glass of water less.

Shit why do I do? I can't just leave the room because they are cornering me.

I stand there thinking of an escape plan as Luca guards the door while Matteo and Lorenzo slowly walk towards me.


However just as I'm about to surrender, the door opens making Angelo and dad come into view.

Now we are all officially fucked.

"What the fuck!" Angelo growls scanning the room to see water everywhere.

Hearing his voice we all stop in our tracks and turn our heads towards him to see dad beside him shocked.

"What are you doing and why is there water everywhere?" Angelo asks well more like demands.

Shit, he is so scary when he is angry.

"Matteo threw water at me." I blurt pointing towards matteo.

"What do you mean! You threw water at all of us." Matteo shrieks as everyone goes quiet and watches us fight.

"Well you poured water on me first so it's your fault." I accuse him as we continue going back and forth blaming each other.

He is really trying to get me in trouble.

"Shut up both of you!" Angelo roared causing us to stop arguing and look towards him.

"Lorenzo what happened?" Angelo starts facing Lorenzo as he begins explaining what happened from start to finish.

"Matteo and Liliana you have 1 hour to get ready and clean all the mess you made before everyone gets here." Angelo scolds me and Matteo as we look down frowning because now we have to clean up.

"Sorry Angelo." Matteo and I apologise as we head upstairs to get changed.

After having a shower and getting changed I run back downstairs as I see Matteo also standing there.

"Took your time." He grumbles as I stick my tongue out at him.

"Don't we have loads of maids or are there just people walking around out house?" I question not wanting to clean all the mess.

I'm so happy Matteo is cleaning with me because if I had to clean this by myself then I would be reminded of my bitch of a mother even more than right now.

"Yeah we have maids but Angelo has probably told them not to clean because it's our punishment." Matteo explains picking up a cloth.

"What if we just bribe the maids to do it for us." I smirk as his lips tug upwards thinking about my plan.

"Ok but if we get in trouble we are blaming this on you. They will be nicer then." Matteo states as I nod although if we do get caught I will definitely blame him.

"I'm going to find Luca wanna come?" Matteo informs me as we begin walking to his room.

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