Chapter 61

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We arrive back home and sneak in through the back door hoping no one sees us

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We arrive back home and sneak in through the back door hoping no one sees us.

First Valentino decides to go in as we all hide behind the wall in case one of us get caught.

After checking to see the coast is clear he beckons a finger for the next person,which ends up being Me as I do a brisk walk to the door trying to act normal as I see a guard watching from the gates. Then one by one Sophia and Francisco both make it inside unnoticed.

The house looks so scary in the dark because of the big rooms and furniture casting shadows for my imagination to pick out.

"Let's all go into our rooms and you can tell anyone who asks that you were watching a film, we clear?" Francisco whispers so as not to be heard.

Me and Sophia nod in agreement and separate from the boys as we make our way to my room.

"Sophia you wanna go and get some snacks from the kitchen because there's no way anyone would believe we are watching a film without them?" I ask, looking maliciously at her.

These boys know me enough to know I can't watch a movie with no snacks.

You can't do anything without snacks.

Shut up, I don't eat that many snacks.

"Ok, I'm in the mood for cookie dough ice cream and Oreo's" she replies with the same cheeky tone knocking me out of my head.

I dramatically tip toe into the kitchen to get the food as Sophia stands guard at the door watching me with amusement.

What? I have to dramatically tip toe or I wouldn't be sneaky.

Just  as I get the ice cream, Oreo's, chocolate milkshakes, bowles and spoons We hear a small wreak of the stairs causing me to pause.

"Ana hurry up I hear someone coming!" Sophia whispers as if I hadn't already heard.

Fuck! I hastily pile everything into my arms and make my way to the stairs but before I get there I look up on the landing to see Angelo and Luca arguing about something.

"It's not funny Luca you know you shouldn't be doing that" Angelos voice reaches my ears

What are the arguing about and why are they both still awake?

"It was only a prank, you should appreciate the humour in it!" Comes Lucas reply and I can bet he is trying to hide his smirk.

I look over to Sophia to see she is panicking as much as I am so I quickly come up with a plan.

If this plan doesn't work I might have to jump out of the window as my escape.

A coma should give me a couple months to think of an excuse.

"You should go upstairs and distract them." I suggest but she looks at me as if I'm dumb.

"And what do I say if they as why I'm not in my room?" She responds looking at me dumbfounded obviously not understanding my plan.

I'm not even sure what my plan really is yet.

"Just say you didn't want to use the guest toilet and got hungry so you went downstairs to eat because your always hungry." I rush out making up an excuse as her face twists up in confusion.

She raises her eyebrows at me as if to ask wether I was serious.

"You got a better plan?" I ask waiting for her to admit I'm right.

"Ok then but I'm not great at distracting people though" she looks over to Angelo and Luca who are still arguing in their own world not even noticing us yet.

I bet I could get past without even being seen because they are both so concentrated on the argument.

She goes up the stairs and trips on the top one.

"Owwwwww!," She screams out in fake pain gripping her leg, " I think I broke my leg!" Angelo runs toward her with concern written on his face.

"Are you okay? What leg hurts?" He questions as Luca stands back and stares.

"My right one, owwwwww please go and get me an ice pack while I go and lie down in my room" she cries as Angelo nod.

"I'll get the ice pack luca you help her into her room." With that Angelo ran off.

"Luca i think I can get to my room myself can you please just get me a glass of water" he nods and runs away as well giving me the all clear to run upstairs with all of the food.

"That was impressive, you should win an Oscar" I smirk as I praise her giving her a high five.

I never knew she was that good at acting.

No wonder we are best friends.

She writes a quick note on her bed that said;
'Feeling better I'm going to watch a film now dw bout the ice pack + water. 😃'

With that we get to my room and turn on Netflix watching 'what happened to Monday' while digging into our food.

What a day! I hope we can do this again soon.

Is it bad how much I enjoy sneaking around and lying to people. Oh well fuck that I'm good at it!

I feel like a spy now.

Maybe I should try that roll that is in the movies.

Just then Matteo storms in and runs quickly over to Sophia

"oh my god are you ok i heard you fell over," he asks giving her a hug, "did you get a cut? Or get any bruises? You didn't break any bones did you?!"

Me and Sophia look at each other and can't help but laugh. I never knew Matteo actually  cared about people!

I'm a bit surprised to be honest He is normally the mean one.

"What are you both laughing at?" He inquires glancing over to me.

"I-I'm fine Matteo." Sophia finally says after her laughing fit as Matteo's eyebrows furrow.

"You can go back to sleep now Matteo we are just going to finish this last movie." I promise as he nods getting up and leaving.

New chapter! Thank you for reading and sending me so many suggestions. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I haven't been feeling well but hopefully I will post more.
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