Chapter 58

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I woke up to a loud bang causing my eyes to fly open as my body jolts up abs I can literally here my heart in my ears

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I woke up to a loud bang causing my eyes to fly open as my body jolts up abs I can literally here my heart in my ears.

Who the fuck did that?

Anger rushes through me while I search around only to spot Sophia sitting on the couch in my room smirking.

"You stupid bitch." I mutter glaring at her as she chuckles at my reaction.

"And I love you too." She teases causing me to roll my eyes.

I have always hated waking up by so someone else especially if that person tries making my soul leave my body.

"Soo do you wanna watch a movie." She gushes bouncing up on the couch a bit.

I was about to say yeah until a better idea comes into mind.

"Or you could tell me how you met Matteo and why your not back home." I smirk now feeling a bit more awake as I stand up and walk to my bathroom with Sophia right behind me.

"Have I ever told you how nice your new house is?" She tries to divert my attention to change the topic but this is not happening today.

I just send her a serious look as she sighs sitting up on the counter.

"I met him while I was on holiday here and we accidentally walked into each other. Since then we have been talking I guess." She shrugs as I laugh at her.

We continue talking about the last couple of months and joking about everything that has happened.

After getting all washed up I go and look for Sophia realising I haven't seen her in a long time

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After getting all washed up I go and look for Sophia realising I haven't seen her in a long time.

"Sophia, where are you?" I shout hoping that she hears me as this house is quite big.

"I'm in Liliana's room" she shouts back to me as i start walking that way.

Of course she is with Ana, where else would she be? It's not like she has a boyfriend oh wait she does, me.

I step towards the door and barge straight in as I try to not show how annoyed i actually am.

"Ready for dinner?" I ask monotonously to both girls as they nod and Sophia gets up from the couch coming over to me.

"Come on Lil." Sophia states not turning around as we walk out together.

When we arrive at the dining room, the first thing I notice is the amount of food piled on the table.

Wow the chefs really went all out when I asked for a nice meal for my girlfriend.

This is way more food than normal although we still normally have a selection of dishes it's nothing compared to this.

I pull out a chair and gesture for Sophia to sit on it while she obliges and sits down as I sit next to her.

Ana sits to the other side of Sophia, no surprise there. Honestly those two are inseparable.

We all tuck into the food and the interrogation begins.

"So Sophia, what school do you go to?" Dominico asks kindly taking a sip of his wine.

I roll my eyes knowing their all going to get her whole life story before leaving her alone.

"I went to the same school as Liliana but I am considering moving here." She informs them eating a mouthful of her steak.

"And i assume your in the same year as Liliana in school?" Angelo inserts questioningly while Sophia nods in response.

I'm not even the youngest anymore why are they still soo overprotective.

"And how long have you and Matteo been Liliana together?" Mario questions menacingly, it's obvious he is trying not to laugh.

"Shut it or ill come and fu-" I demand angrily tired of them grilling Sophia with questions.

"LANGUAGE" Angelo interrupts, glaring at me causing my mouth to shut instantly as I look down at my food.

When the torture that is dinner finished we all go into the lounge and watch a few episodes of stranger things before going to bed.

Getting tried out watching the series I turn to Sophia seeing her playing a game on her phone.

"I'm gonna go to sleep are you coming Sophia?" I ask, and I can see relief flash across her face. She nods and I show her to the room next to mine.

I bet she was bored.

"Night, see you in the morning I have a breakfast booked for us two at 8am so be ready to go." I conclude before turning towards the door.

I turn off the light and close the door making my way downstairs to the games room to turn on my Xbox.

It's GTA time bitch!

If you can't tell that my favourite game

After playing for a while, I notice the time. It's 11pm, I should get some sleep. But first I want some chocolate milk.

When I turned 10 Luca used to say I was too old for chocolate milk and make fun of me for drinking it so now I have a secret stash at the back of the fridge.

When I get downstairs i make my way to the kitchen to find the light is already on.

I walk closer and notice around the corner sits Luca who is there drinking my chocolate milk!

"Hey that's mine whatchu doing with that?" I raged striking toward him.

A look of fear fills his ugly face and he drops the milk before running upstairs. That bitch is lucky I'm thirsty otherwise I would kill his scrawny ass.

After drinking my milk, I go upstairs and go to sleep, too tired to be bothered to beat the crap out of Luca.

New chapter! My email hasn't been working so I can't comment but I do read all the comments and suggestions. ❤️❤️

I also wrote that chapter in My English lesson. 😂

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