Chapter 70

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I continue eating, acting oblivious to the conversation in front of me

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I continue eating, acting oblivious to the conversation in front of me.

This food is so good. Like normal. I don't even know what it's called.

Yeah, because your dumb and you're still not used to eating like a normal person.

Do these people actually believe I don't know Spanish?

Yeah because they are all dumb.

Yeah but they are in the mafia or mafia bosses they can't be that dumb to not notice.

Oh please anyone related to you is automatically dumb.

Ouch, that hurt.

"Liliana this man is Ace and he's our business partner." Dad explains as I look up and nod.

I'm bored so why don't I just ask questions to make the boys slightly uncomfortable.

"Is he a mafia business partner?" I inquire extending the 'mafia' part as I smirk a bit seeing the boys awkward faces.

I don't even understand why their still nervous.

"Yes Liliana." Lorenzo states rolling his eyes as a small giggle leaves my mouth.

Everyone looks at me amused at my current state but I can't stop chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" Valentino acknowledges as I fully start laughing.

"It's so funny making you guys uncomfortable, you know I don't actually care as long as you let me join." I add hoping they allow me.

"Keep dreaming." Matteo says to me smiling, as I roll my eyes.

Yeah I will say that to him when I actually do join.

Now back to the conversation they were having before.

I look over and see they have gone back to talk about it in Spanish as I look at my plate listening in.

I wonder if they all know Spanish or if it's just dad and Angelo?

Only one way to find out.

"Matteo do you know what they are saying?" I whispers to him as I lean closer.

"Umm why don't you ask dad instead." He suggests but the expression painted across his face shows he clearly understands what they are talking about.

He's not very good at lying.

"Entonces, ¿sabe ella?" The guy says again taking another long glance at me. (So, does she know?)

I don't think he could make it anymore obvious that he is talking about me.

He might as well point a sign at me and talking it would less obvious then what he is doing right now.

"¿Por qué no le pides que hables en inglés y le digas ahora que todo lo que estás haciendo es confundirla más?" Luca says with a slight attitude however, still manages to have respect for the older men in front of him.  (Why don't you ask just talk in English and tell her now all you're doing is confusing her more.)

I think he must have heard me ask Matteo or looked at my fake confused face.

I guess I'm good at acting.

"Bueno, ella sabe de la mafia, pero no le hemos dicho que vamos a tener una pelota de la mafia especialmente para ella." Angelo adds basically ignoring Luca's comment.  (Well she knows about the mafia, but we haven't told her we are having a mafia ball specially for her.)


A mafia ball just for me?

Why would anyone even waste their time to attend that?

Do I even want to attend that?

Maybe if you just ask your questions would be answered.

Should I ask about the ball or wait to see if they add anything else?

"Liliana." Someone calls my name snapping me out of my thoughts as I look around the room quickly.

"Yes." I whisper out shyly now feeling everyone's stare on me intensify.

Do you think I made it obvious I was listening in and know Spanish?

"We have a ball next week so you need to go dress shopping some time this week." Dad explains as I just nod with a ghost of a smile.

Just had to add the smile to make myself look more surprised.

Finally it's out.

Weirdly, I'm feeling kind of excited even though a second ago I was nervous and not sure I wanted to attend it.

"Can I go shopping tomorrow." I ask enthusiastically, causing everyone to laugh.

"You can go with Luca and matteo." Angelo informs us as we all groan and reply with a 'no'.

"Can I go by myself instead." I try to say hoping they let me this one time although, I already know the answer.

Hearing my question, Luca bursts out laughing causing me to look over giving him my hardest glare.

If looks could kill he would be dead.

"You sound as dumb as matteo." He chuckles as matteo throws something at him.

I secretly lean over and kick his leg hard causing him to scream 'OWW!'

"You just kicked me bit-" before Luca can continue Angelo interferes making him be quiet instantly.

"Shut up Luca, Liliana they both will be with you in case anything happens." Angelo confirms in a stern. I just not with a groan knowing nothing can change his mind.

"¿Tus hijos ya tienen su ropa?" Dad inquires changing the subject as he faces Ace again. (Have your kids already got their clothes?)

"Sí, y todos están emocionados de volver a conocer a Liliana." Ace replies taking a soo of his bourbon. (Yes, and their all excited to meet Liliana again.)


So they have all met me before.

I wonder how many kids he has.

Well he looks about dads age with his white hair and connected beard, now looking he also has no wrinkles.

The guy next to him, who doesn't seem to talk much looks like Ace so I'm going to guess they are both brothers.

However, he looks more on guard, checking his phone and watch and also looking around for any dangers.

Everyone continues talking as I start feeling more sleepy and a audible yawn accidentally escapes making a blush creep up on my cheeks when everyone looks at me.

"Why don't you go upstairs to bed Principessa?" Lorenzo says as I shake my head 'no'.

"I'm not tired, I don't want to go sleep." I inform him as another yawn leaves my mouth showing the contrary to my words.

"Okay let's at least go sit in the living room." Dad announces as everyone gets up including me.

However, today instead of going to the normal living room we make our way over to the more fancy living room.

We all sit down as I sit besides Angelo feeling more at peace beside him.

After about 5 minutes of them talking I feel my head a bit more heavy and lay it against his arm as he continues talking.

Slowly the darkness takes over and I knock out into a deep sleep.

I wonder how tomorrow will be?

New chapter! I hit 1 million finally 🎉. Thank you all so much for the support and help getting to 1 million and thanks for giving this story a try.

I hope you all are okay, I love you all. 💖💖

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