Chapter 7

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SIX HOURS, that's the longest I have slept without a nightmare in a long time

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SIX HOURS, that's the longest I have slept without a nightmare in a long time.

I always get nightmares of my beatings. That's why I don't sleep a lot only if I get hit till I pass out.

"Come on, let's go to the car." Valentino said as he stood up putting his hand out to pull me up.

We walk out of the jet to see 3 black cars with lots of security standing around.

Getting uncomfortable I stand closer to Valentino and I think he senses my discomfort as he placed an arm around my shoulder.

As we sit in the limo I ask the one question that has been roaming my mind for a while now.

"Why are there so many people with suits around us?" I question seeing them surround us.

"Well you know how we own hotels, restaurants and clubs." Valentino says and I nod. "We have lots of enemies so we need to have security but don't worry nothing will happen it's just a precaution." He states. While I nod and look out the window at this place.

"How long till we get to the house?" I question as I lean my head on my dad's shoulder while he wraps his arm around me.

"Only 1 hour till we get home then you can meet your brothers." My dad states using his phone with his other hand.

I love car rides because I never get to sit in a car. My mother always made me walk everywhere while she took the bus.

We didn't have a lot of money since only I worked and my mother spent all my money on drugs and alcohol.

I used to work as a librarian so when it wasn't busy I used to use the computers to learn different languages when I was bored.

I could sense Valentino looking at me as I played with my hands bored out of my mind.

"Do you want to play a game on my phone bambola." He asks taking out his phone. (Doll)

"Yes please." I smile getting excited to use a phone for the first time.

My mother never let me touch her phone and the first time I did I was only 7 and she hit me so hard I fell on the floor and broke my rib.

"Here let me show you how to play." He states showing me the screen.

The whole way home I played the game addicted to it I won 10 rounds before we got to these big black gates.

I looked up from the phone as I saw there were 2 guards in front of the gate with big guns.

Automatically, I sit closer to dad hiding my face in his chest.

"What's wrong amore." Dad asks concern laced in his voice. (Love)

"Dad why do they have guns." I ask innocently, pointed towards the guards as I look into my dads eyes.

"Don't worry bimba, they won't hurt you. They are my guards, they are here to protect us." He says holding my face between his big hands. (Baby)

The driver rolls down the window and begins talking to the buff guard as the gates begin opening I look out the window to see a beautiful house. No mansion. It's fucking massive.

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"These guys are stupid rich

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"These guys are stupid rich." I whisper out to myself but as I turn to look at there faces I can tell they heard from the smirk on there faces.

"We are stupid rich amore." Valentino states emphasising we. "It's your home and money to now caro. (Love, darling)

I look down embarrassed as my dad gets out of the car.

"Come on Liliana, your brothers having been waiting all day for you." My dad said as my embarrassment vanishes and my nerves come back.

What if they don't like me? What if they don't want me? Fuck I hate when my subconscious takes over my brain.

Well bitch maybe if u stop focusing on me you would not feel nervous.

Shut up and go away


After my conversation with myself I start getting out the car. There is no point thinking about the what ifs - I will be meeting them in a couple minutes anyway.

"Wow." I gasp as I look around. My dad and brother both chuckle behind me as I stare at the house.

"Take a picture it will last longer." My brother states amused by my reaction.

I snap out of my shock and turn to them both.

"Can we go see my brothers now." I say nervous "let's get this meeting thing over with." I say to myself.

"Okay, come on let's go inside." Valentino says leading me to the door.

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