Chapter 54

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As the engine comes to life we both sit in silence

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As the engine comes to life we both sit in silence. Luca looks soo annoyed right now.

"How did you even make it here?" Luca Finally breaks the silence as my head snaps to him.

I teleported dumbass.

"Umm I got Leonardo to drop me." I  mumble looking back over to the road in front of the car which is lit up by the headlights.

"And what makes you think he wouldn't tell on you." Luca sighs as I finally think about it.

Shit, why couldn't I think of that before.

I don't answer as I look over to the screen in the middle to see it is already 11 at night

When we get home he sends me straight to my room and takes my laptop, TV remote and all of my electronics.

"Go to sleep we'll talk in the morning." He bluntly declares not even looking at me.

Wow, why so cold.

I nod and as I turn away I roll my eyes.

walking towards my closet, I find some pajamas to change into as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

When I get into bed, I can hear his footsteps getting further and further away as I relax into my comfy bed.

I close my eyes and try to sleep but I can't as I begin thinking about what just happened.

I kind of feel guilty and angry at myself for letting him down.

I already know my whole family will probably know by tomorrow so I am gonna get it tomorrow.

After a bit I look over to the clock noticing 20 minutes have already past.

Finally, I let the darkeness surround me, my body giving in to sleep.

"Liliana Romano come into the dining room now!" I am awaken by the booming voice of Angelo.

I slowly open my eyes contemplating off I should act as if I hadn't heard him when the events of last night come rushing into my head making me sit up so fast I almost got whiplash.

Oh fuck. Angelo knows. I'm dead.

I instantly go over to my closet to find the first outfit I can and throw it on with my eyes still half shut.

I then run into the bathroom as I splash water on my face jumping me awake as the cold water drips down my face.

I dry my face and then cautiously exit my room, toward the kitchen.

Hopefully they will go easy on me.

As I approach the door I can hear angry voices arguing but I can't tell who it is talking.

"She shouldn't have even left the house did you forget she was grounded."

"She is only young, don't be too mean"

"Fuck that if it was me I wouldn't get away with it, just cuz she is your little princess she-" I walk in interrupting their argument as everyone's heads snap towards me.

Matteo's face is brick red and so is Lorenzo's, I look down at the floor feeling ashamed at my actions.

The stare from the people in the room burning into my head as I silently walk over to my normal seat beside dad, my head still hung low.

"Do you care to explain your actions of last night?" Dad asks calmly but his eyes scream rage.


I'm not even going to lie to myself.

I am so scared right now like I could shit myself.

"I-" I try to explain but nothing comes out, I begin feeling a sting in my eyes as my eyes fill with tears.

Why do I always cry?

"Oh look typical she is crying to get out of trouble," Matteo shoots a dirty look at me before noticing Angelo's dark glare towards himself. "I'm done." With that he violently pushes his chair back getting up and storming out of the room making sure to bang the door behind him.

Why is he so angry? I bet he always sneaks out.

"I have given you a chance to explain but it is too late now, you will receive punishment of course but if you have a good reason for your actions I may lighten them a little" dad declares looking at me waiting to see if I would reply.

Well what does he want me to say?

I went out cause I didn't give a fuck if I was already grounded?

After a couple of minutes full of silence dad speaks up again.

"Very well," he continued "you will have no electronics, Ice cream or any allowance for a month and no going out with or meeting with friends for a fortnight." He concluded with finality in his tone as Angelo nodded in agreement.

My jaw drops, this is so unfair I only went out for one night. Why is he being so unreasonable? I bet Matteo had something to do with that.

I don't respond other than nodding my head.

I pick up a bowl of cereal and eat in silence as everyone leaves the room, everyone apart from Lorenzo who sits watching me intensely from across me.

"Do you want me to cook you something instead of that cereal?" He asks kindly, giving me a pitiful look, I shake my head declining his offer, knowing if I talk i will definitely start crying.

"You know, when I was your age I snuck out of the house trying to go to my friends house for a party. I put my pillow under my covers to make it look like me then climbed out of my window, using a rope to support me. I had just sneaked past all of the guards when I ran right into dad!" I smirk as he recounts his tale while he lets of a small chuckle.

"I was in massive trouble then, so don't tell anyone I said this but, you got further than I did." He finishes giving me a small hug.

He walks out of the room, but I feel better after his story. I raise my glass in the air and announce to myself "here's to a week of boredom and loneliness" before taking a sip.

You do know there is no alcohol in that drink you have in your hand idiot?

Yeah I do what's your point.

Well you just raise a glass of orange juice in a empty room to yourself. I think you should see a therapist.

Shut up.

I stop my subconscious fight as I hear the door open again.

In walks Luigi who looks clueless of what happened just minutes ago with his eyes half close yawning.

"Where is everyone?" He queries as I stifle a giggle.

He is actually so clueless.

"You do know it is already 8 and everyone has gone." I inform him as his eyes widen in shock.

"Shit, I overslept." He panics hitting his head with his palm as he runs in and takes a slice of toast.

"Bye princess." He rushes out the door not giving me time to reply as I laugh.

New chapter finally! I'm sorry for not updating this week has been really hard for me. Anyways, I hope you all love the chapter! ❤️❤️

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