Chapter 55

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The entire week had been so boring I began going to the gym to cut time and have learnt so much although I'm still not that good

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The entire week had been so boring I began going to the gym to cut time and have learnt so much although I'm still not that good.

Everyday I wake up at 7 along with the others and we eat breakfast together before they all leave for school or work.

I am woken by the sound of my alarm and reflexively turn it off without opening my eyes.

I feel like I just went sleep ten minutes ago.

I turn over and try to get back to sleep even though I already know my brothers will be here soon to wake me up again.

Just as I feel myself fall into subconscious I hear the deafening sound of Luca singing 'don't threaten me with a good time'.

Oh for fuck sakes.

With this sound filling my room I know any chance of sleep is hopeless.

I turn over to see the time 8 am causing me to groan in frustration.

Why is he awake at  8 am on a Sunday anyway?

Everyone normally wakes up at 9 on Sundays as it's everyone's day off.

I pick up my AirPods which lay next to me on the bedside table.

Just as I'm about to plug in my AirPods I remember something! I'm free! Today is the first day of being ungrounded!

A smile creeps on my face and my eyes I open wide as the sleepiness I had just minutes ago vanishes.

Finally it feels like it's been forever. I take a quick shower and get dressed before curling my hair to make it look nice. Alessio promised me ice cream when my dungeon time is over.

When I'm all dressed and ready I go downstairs to find the cooks preparing some delicious pancakes.

I look over to the table to see: golden syrup, chocolate sauce, lemon juice, sugar, bacon, maple syrup and a whole load more of pancake toppings.

Yes, I love pancakes!

As I sit down everyone begins walking in one by one sitting down around the table.

"Hey guys!" I beam happily as I notice grandma's smirk.

I hear the door open and gaze around to see dad. "Hey Ana, i officially announce you ungrounded" he proclaims with a booming voice and a wide smile.

"I had the chefs prepare you pancakes to celebrate your freedom" Carlo beamed coming in behind dad.

He sits down getting a plate and squirting golden syrup all over it before folding his pancake and eating it.

I follow his lead and take the next one spreading Nutella down the middle. I then fold it and put some sugar on top.

As I tuck in Lorenzo, Luca, mario and pietro enter the room forming a line for pancakes.

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