Chapter 45

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I open my eyes to see a bright orange flame surround my room

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I open my eyes to see a bright orange flame surround my room.

What the fuck is happening.

In the distance, I hear shouts from my family as the roof begins to collapse around me.

I scream trying to get my families attention but fail as everyone is preoccupied and ignoring me.

What is even happening?

I quickly gaze around the room as a black figure stands out in the corner of my vision.

What is that? Who is that?

The screeching sound of evil cackles reaches my ears and I squint in the direction waiting for the figure to emerge out of its hiding spot.

"You thought you could get away from me?" Hearing the voice I thought I would never hear again my body freezes and a shiver runs down my spine.

"Don't forget darling, I'm your mother I will always find you." She mocks and her evil laughter fill the area once more.

I finally manage to free myself from my paralysed state and race to find an exit.

My heart racing, I run towards the door as my foot hits a gun and I pick it up aiming towards the devil in disguised.

She looks horrible with cuts and bruises on her body and face but nothing compared to what she did to me mentally and physically.

"You really think you have the guts to kill your own mother?" She teases with a huge smug smirk on her face.

I hate this smug son of a bitch.

I don't know why but after all she has done to me I still can't kill her.

She glares at me with a slight victory sparkling in her eyes.

"You still don't get it do you? No one will ever love you just look around. Your so called family is nowhere near." She laughs in a condescending tone.

I look around for help but for the first time she is right. No one is here. No one cares.

Tears prick my eyes, I sigh in defeat but hold back my tears which beg to be released not wanting my excuse of a mother to win.

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