Chapter 81

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⚠️ warning ⚠️ This chapter has torturing so if you don't like this type of thing just skip this chapter!

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
This chapter has torturing so if you don't like this type of thing just skip this chapter!

My head pounds as I slowly blink opening my eyes to darkness.

Is it the middle of the night?

I go to check the time on my phone but as I move my arms I feel a restraint and the sound of chains rattling.

What the fuck is happening?

My eyes suddenly widen as the sleep that once covered my face disappears and is replaced by fear.

The déjà vu of my old life before meeting my real family washes over me as I practically feel myself pale.

My eyes scan the room as I notice the concrete walls with handprints of  blood surround us and I look down to see my feet tied around a chair as my hands wrap around the back of the chair.

I turn my head as much as possible as I notice someone in the same position as my directly behind me as their head droops down.

Suddenly, a loud chuckle is heard although it isn't a happy one that was once heard in the 4 walls of the place I call home but a mechanical sinister ridicule causing shivers to run down my back.

The metal bolted door slowly opens as I see a man facing the opposite direction, he is on the phone and clearly hasn't noticed me waking up.

Taking the opportunity, I try and unknot the ropes behind my back, but I can't it's too tight.

I decide to look in my pockets to try and find something sharp to cut the rope with, but my pockets are empty.

"You won't have any luck getting out of there sweetheart." His deep voice states mockingly.

A look of disgust makes its way on my face as I look at him with hate covering my fear.

"Don't be scared sweetheart me and you are going to have some bonding time." He smiles at me wickedly, walking towards me.

I can't show him I'm scared that would give him too much power.

The same power I allowed my father and mother to have.

"You think I'm scared of you?" I question in amusement as I begin laughing.

One thing them shit people did for me was make me not be scared of anyone other than them.

As he listens to my response his smirk vaulters as I see frustration cross his face.

"Don't worry little girl you will soon be terrified of me." He says with a promise behind his words as I feel my heart race and my palms begin to sweat.

Although, I used to find this feeling normal I haven't felt this way in so long and just miss my family. 

"Are you homeless?" I inquire ignoring what he says as I succeed in pissing him off more.

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