Chapter 3

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Arriving at the police station, I can't lie I was so nervous although I wasn't going to show that to anyone

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Arriving at the police station, I can't lie I was so nervous although I wasn't going to show that to anyone.

"Hey come with me to the back so we can get you a bedroom for now you must be tired." She says while we walk to a small room.

I don't answer as I'm too lost in my thoughts to notice she is talking to me but I continue following her anyways.

Once we reach the room, I notice it's a small box with 1 single bed in the corner and a side table bedside it. This room is bigger that my room ever was. I thought as I laid on the bed.

"Thank you." I whispered continuing my act I'm so happy I took drama in school or I might not be able to keep being this serious.

"It's ok, just so you know we will be doing a DNA test on you in a bit." She tells me kneeling near the bed where I currently lay.

"Ok." I reply wanting her to leave me by myself. She walks out the room leaving me with my thoughts but I don't know how to feel anymore.


"Liliana can you please use this swab in your mouth so we can get it tested."she asked handing me the swab.

After doing the test she brings me some food so we can wait for the test. And then leaves while I lay back down going sleep because of how tired I am.

I already know I have no other family so this is just a waste of time. But they don't need to know I have no family the later I get into the orphanage the better.

"Hi, I'm back and it turns out your dad and brothers are coming to get you at 5 pm so you can start getting ready." She jumps happily however I sat there frozen.

There is no fucking way that does not even make sense.

"Sorry I think you have it wrong my dad died and I have no sibling." I reply confused

"Well from the DNA test it shows you have a dad and brothers in LA and when we called them they sounded really happy to see you." She explains still happy I bet she is only excited to get rid of me.

How can this be? Mom never told me about having other siblings and I've know dad since I was born.


Nervous is the only emotion I feel right now. What if my real dad just wants to abuse me again? What if my brothers don't want me?

I looked at the clock to realise it was 5 pm and the would be coming any minute. My hand were shaking from how high my anxiety is right now. But I would never show them this.

In walks the social worker with some paperwork in her hand.

"Good afternoon, your brother and dad are here and have signed the adoption papers so you can go see them now." She exclaims happily


I sigh as I got up and followed her towards the entrance where two men in black suits stood tall at what looked like 6,0 and 6,2.

I don't want to go with them anymore. Before when I was thinking about it I wasn't worried but now I just want to go to an orphanage I only have 3 years left anyways.

"Hi Liliana I am your brother, Valentino and he is our father Marco." He said with a smile on his face.

"Hi." I stood there with my head bowed looking at my hands.

"Ok well I will leave you all to talk before you take her home." The social worker says while walking away.

"Your so big now." My father whispers with a small smile.

"Would you like to get ready to come home with us now Principessa?" Questioned my brother Valentino I think it was. (Princess)

"How do I know you won't kidnap me." I said finding a bit of courage. Looking up I saw a smirk on both my father and brothers face and a glint of proudness in there eyes.

"Well tesoro we are related by blood and you have no other choice so you might as well say yes." Valentino smirks as he kneels down to my hight.

Why are these guys so tall like I'm 5,6 which isn't a bad hight but these guys look like towers standing near me.

"Well-well I can go to an orphanage for another 3 years and then I will be free." I think of more excuses but I kind of want to go home with them but I am not sure.

As my dad stood behind my brother he began to speak Italian thinking I wouldn't understand but little did they know I learnt Italian at school.

"Questo è più difficile di quanto pensassi, ma sono così orgoglioso di lei." He comments with amusement laced in his words (This is harder than I thought it would be but I am so proud of her.)

I pretend I don't understand what they are saying so I can continue listening to their conversations.

Did these people really come here thinking I wouldn't ask questions before sitting in the car? They must be stupid then.

"How about we take you in for 3 years and then you can leave instead of going to an orphanage." My dad try's compromising as he comes closer.

Thinking about it this would be a good idea that way I can live there but leave after 3 years. However, I am not going to tell them this and continue compromising.

"No I don't want to live with you." I reassure them but as I say it I see there hearts both break a little hearing this.

"Fine, how about you stay for a month or 2 and if you still want to leave you can or you can stay." My father states which I nod to as I have always wanted a family.

"Perfect!" My brother says with happiness

Valentino looks at me clearly thinking hard about something, this worries me as I don't know what it is.

"Umm can I hug you?" He questions "If that's ok with you of course." Valentino says I think worried I will say no.

"Umm sure I guess." I reply as he sighs in relief, But as he goes to hug me, I flinch as a reflex but hug him back hoping no one noticed.

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