Chapter 43

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"Any news?" Sel asked me anxiously.

"Nope." I shook my head. The rest of them sighed in disappointment."

"Why won't they just approve your letter of renouncement." Mara pouted and slumped on the sofa.

"I'm not sure myself. I already did everything I could and yet no results." I caressed my forehead.

It's been three months..I won the competition last time coming in first in the females category while Sir Albercht won third. Many nobles have been punished in accordance to the law, some were stripped off of their titles. 

Every since I announced my renouncement, my letter wasn't accepted. It was approved by the judge but without the Emperor's seal it would be useless.


"Come on Euphie, cheer up" Basil nudged me, he was trying to look happy but I could tell he was sad about my situation. The Imperial Princess wants to be removed from the royal line. Its a huge thing for the empire.

He hugs me and I hugged him back, then we were crushed in a hug by Ryza afterwards it turned into a group hug.

"S-sometimes..I t-think y-you guys want m-me to d-d-iee..Oxxxygeeennnn." I tapped out.


We all went to class but they only told us to go to the gymnasium. Headmaster Gerwitz stood at the podium.

"You all must be wondering why I have called you all for a meeting.

"In a few days, we will be going on an expedition at the Holy Tempest Forest. Do prepare for it since you may encounter monsters along the way. The main goal of this expedition is to practice your combat skills in real-life application."

"There will be the newly created surveillance system all around to monitor all the students. In case of emergency, you will be given a bracelet. It will trigger if you are in danger, alerting us of it. That is all."

Holy Tempest..I learned about this a while ago. The Holy Tempest is the being sent by God, another word for Holy Tempest is the Deity's Sword. The Holy Tempest is sent by God to protect the lands of Enigmatia. 

Enigmatia is the name of this planet. It was called the Holy Tempest Forest because it is said that the Temple of the Holy Tempest lies there, though hidden and undiscovered. This would have been a myth if it weren't for the old scrolls that state the last Holy Tempest.

They were there to protect this planet from the corruption of the Underworld or also known as the Demon Realm. It was stated that millions of years ago, there was a war between the Holy Tempest and the Lord of the Underworld. 

The Lord of the Underworld was defeated but in the same time, The Holy Tempest did as well but before passing, they embedded themselves at Enigmatia's core. Protect it until the next Holy Tempest awakens.

It is also unstated if the gender of the Holy Tempest was a woman or a man.

"Hey, I have an Idea!" Ty spoke.

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