Chapter 60

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"I am not done talking, am I?" I asserted and they all immediately quieted down.

" *sigh* As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. I'd like to introduce myself, I am the Vice President of the Crestbreeze Academy, Euphemia Isolde Crestbreeze-Svetlana. Formally I would be Euphemia Photine Isolde Svetlana, the First Princess of the Svetlana Empire. Or so I am aware in legal documents that are my title. So, why should I bow down to someone lower ranking than me that I have not given my recognition or anything in that matter as I am not obliged to? "

" If I may also add, are you not aware that I have stated before that I do not recall any of my memories? Let's just say that you happen to not know, any of you do not know of what has happened to the First Princess of your Empire then let me be first to inform you of what has happened in the latest, I have once again lost my memories, from the day I have left for Crestbreeze till two years ago, I have lost those memories as well. I will not go into detail but that is what you must know. If I do not know you or recognize you, then please do not be shocked. That is all." I said and walked away.

But before I did, I stopped in front of Rhosyn.

"Do not worry, I will not take offense for your rudeness towards me earlier." I snickered and finally went back to my seat.

I could see her clench her hands as she sat down on her seat. I suppose the next one to talk was one of the Crown princes as not only was he seated right beside the Emperor, he held the high aura of authority nearly equivalent to an emperor. That would mean that they would be the heir.

I mean they because he wasn't the only one I was feeling the aura from, his twin as well.

"I would like to interrupt. You say that you are my sister, Euphemia but you definitely do not look anything like her. From the physical appearance to your demeanor." He chastised. Carefully judging me from head to toe.

'Oh, I don't know..maybe it's because I'm definitely not just Euphemia anymore? I'm Sumiko and Rheanna as well.' I thought sarcastically.

"Is that so? Then, would you like this appearance?" I snapped my fingers and showed my previous look before I awoke my memories as Rheanna.

"Or perhaps you would prefer this? Though I can't maintain them anymore since after all, that is not how I look at the present." I snapped my fingers once more showing what I looked like right after the first time I woke up in this world.

They were all taken aback by my magic. This is not common if you do not have a magic tool but to me, this is part of my imagery magic.

"If that is not enough for you, we could do a test? I did come prepared for an occasion like this. Crestbreeze Academy was where the paternity test devices were first created, thanks to the very hardworking researchers designated at the academy they have also made the upgraded version where the results come out in seconds. Only If it won't be a bother to our schedule of course. " I said with a smile and glanced at Prince Aries.

" *ehem* If it won't take long, I suppose it would be alright but we must let the Father Emperor decide." 

The Emperor contemplated for a quick while before agreeing. I was bold enough to ask his hair for a sample. Like how obnoxious nobles are, they reacted quite harshly but it was useless as the Emperor himself did not mind.

My body's biological family was quite intrigued and attentive to see the results but before I inserted my hair DNA. I asked for someone else's.

"Rhosyn-sama, may I also have a few strands of your hair please," I said while extending my hand towards her. She looked at me, repulsed.

"How dare she ask for Rhosyn-sama's hair!"

' Rocks are worth more than this. '

"The nerve of that faker!"

' I know right? Such a bitch. ..I like that title <3. '

She gulped before handing me three strands of her hair. 

I placed all of them in and let the machine do its work. After nearly fifteen seconds, the results were in. I was definitely the emperor's daughter but it also stated that Rhosyn was not in any way, related to us.

"T-That's a fake! They obviously tampered with the device!" Many of them accuse.

"Before you all accuse this of showing false results, I do implore you all to find what happens when you do tamper with it. I would gladly show it to you if you want to see a machine self-destruct in your face." I prepared my water magic in my hand and many of them backed away quickly but the students from Crestbreeze were unfazed.

'Weaklings. If something did self-destruct then you will just cower in fear and not try even defend yourselves? Hm.' I thought.

I felt prickling stares and found that it was coming from the Imperial Family. They were in disbelief, it might be because I look nowhere near as to what I looked like before. Heck, I don't even look like I'm related to them.

I raised my brows at them and went back to my seat. Out of boredom, my eyes wandered the whole venue. Aside from the Imperial Family, there were different groups of people that caught my interest from the beginning.

Eight students to be exact were quite shameless to stare back at me but there's something more to those group of boys than what I can see. Even calling them boys seems wrong, they look and feel nothing like it.

'I've been getting goosebumps just by being in the same room as those, Euphie-sama.' Styrmir said.

'I could say the same but even then, they are slightly weaker than Euphie-sama if you really focus on their core.' Siva explained.

"Euphie-chan, you were soo cool earlier~" Mara silently squealed and held back her arms from squashing me in a hug.

"I don't like that pink-haired chick." Ryza narrowed her eyes at Rhosyn.

"I can't fathom how they can't feel her fakeness. Her entire being is practically screaming it."Ty chuckled.

"Either way, I'm proud that you stood up for yourself, if not we were about to give them a piece of our minds." Sel smiled but it seemed quite threatening.

"Guys, pay attention to the speaker. Lady Freya has been staring at us with her hawk-like gaze since earlier." Sir Albercht said with his mouth nearly moving.

Lady Freya is a very kind person but if need be, she's quite scary to deal with. Her scolding sessions can last for hours on end. I remember sneaking out to go to the back mountains a year ago and she scolded me for five hours straight. 

We quieted down and pay our attention and respect to the speaker in front of us. I ignored everyone else's presence and focused to get things over with.

I thought after everything was good and done I could finally rest but I was wrong.

"The Emperor is requesting an audience with you in the main audience hall."

'*sighs* Just great.'

To be Continued. . .

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