Chapter 47

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-Gerwitz's POV-

"Any updates?" I asked.

"Unfortunately not.." Seisyll shook his head.

It's been nearly three months, I haven't deciphered what the Holy Fairy meant. He said to wait but wait for what? Euphemia has passed away and yet I couldn't even announce it to anyone. The Neredas Kingdom's First Division Royal Knights, King of Neredas, The Holy Priestess, Seisyll and I are the only ones who know that she has passed away.

I've already delivered a letter to the Emperor about Euphemia but he refused to read or even acknowledge the letter. I have also contacted the brother whom she was close to yet he also declined. I never knew their relationship has gotten so sour.

I tried once more today and delivered another letter..How could they treat their child that way? When I lost my child..I felt like dying. It was like my whole world crumbled into pieces. I and my wife took Seisyll in from my late brother to be my successor.

My wife cares deeply of Euphemia and hearing how the Imperial Family is treating her, repulsed her to no end. 

Those five kids, they've been worried sick for their friend. I couldn't bring myself to break the news to them. The whole Academy has been pressing me for their beloved vice president's information. Even Albercht did his investigation but I made sure he won't find anything.

Her servants have been antsy, knocking on my office every day for any new information or whereabouts about their master. Especially her servant named Aine, she broke down into tears out of worry.

What boggles me is why Euphemia is in The Tempest's Temple and why can't we bring her out of it. The entrance to the Temple has been open ever since we found it. There is a rotation of guards who guard it every day. The Priests have been going in and out investigating the once lost Temple.

I was there when they found a statue. The statue of the Tempest, the actual statue of the Tempest who saved this world from corruption millions of years ago. It was an incredible discovery that many were trying to find for years on end. Her name was finally brought to light since it was engraved on the bottom of the statue. 

Tempest Rheanna Hannelore

There was something about the Tempest that reminds me so much of Euphemia to the point it's uncanny. The Holy Fairies spoke only a few times, they proudly described the features of the Tempest. Silvery Aqua blue hair and eyes that were a mix of Amethyst, Sapphire, Gold, Ruby, and Emerald.

Features that never once existed in this world. The Holy Church works separately from the Palace so they never once brought it up to the royalties.

*Rushed Footsteps*

"Headmaster! There's a report!"

-Lorcan's POV-

I hear Marquis Giles coming out of Father's office with a letter in his hands. The same stamp, coming from that brat's Academy. What trouble did she get into this time to disgrace our family?

"Marquis, may I have a look?" I proposed.

"I'm sorry Imperial Prince Lorcan, this was addressed to the Emperor." He bowed.

"I'm the Crown Prince, I suppose I at least have that right to find out what's happening in the Empire that I will govern in the future?" 

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