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"oh god, you scared me..."

mark frowned as he lowered the wireless lamp he had taken on his mother's bedside table. he stared at the beautiful boy in disbelief, not believing his eyes when he saw him crouching to pick up what remained of the make-up palette before continuing to apply eye-shadow on himself.

"excuse me, but, what the fuck?" mark asked, not approaching the stranger.

the tanned male sighed loudly before facing mark, his eye-shadow still unevenly applied. "what?" he raised a brow.

"w-what?!" mark repeated. "what are you doing here?!"

"i'm applying makeup. haven't you noticed?" the unknown boy rolled his eyes as he faced the mirror again and concentrated on his makeup.

"this is my house, and my mother's makeup." mark tried staying calm despite the situation being completely crazy.

"i live here too." the blonde replied, unphased.

"excuse me?!" mark snorted. "and who the hell are you?"

"my name is donghyuck. but you surely know me as haechan."

the name rang a bell instantly to mark.


he knew he had heard it somewhere. he was sure he knew this name.

mark searched in his memories, trying to remember where he had heard it.

he didn't recall meeting this boy ever before.

he would never have been able to forget such a beautiful face.

like, seriously, the boy had such a smooth and perfect skin, and his body proportions were amazing.

his beauty was surreal, and mark wasn't sure being this beautiful was actually possible... unless you were a doll.

"wait a minute!" mark gasped, flashes of the many times his little sister bothered him with her male doll coming back to his mind. he was sure now that that's where he had heard the name 'haechan'. that was her doll's name... the tanned blonde male doll, who looked beautiful, and who had moles littering his skin.

"don't worry, i'm not going anywhere." the stranger replied, approaching the mirror even more to apply mascara.

mark visualized the doll in his mind, trying to compare it with the boy that was standing in front of him.

the gender? check.

the tanned skin? check.

the blonde hair? check.

the beauty marks? check.

"y-you are the doll...?" mark asked, his eyes widening.

"yeah, who else did you think i was?" the beauty shrugged, now applying lipstick.

"you're haechan?" mark continued, still not believing what the boy was saying.

"donghyuck." the doll corrected him. "haechan is my doll name, but i go by donghyuck."

mark blinked a few times as haechan – well, donghyuck – placed the lipstick back in the makeup case and faced him.

"any questions, mark?" he asked, leaning against the sink as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"h-how do you know my name?" mark stammered, wondering if this was a dream.

"i am the doll, mark. maria always has me with her. i know everyone, and i see everything." he explained.

"can all of her dolls do that?" mark asked.

"do what?"

"transform into... humans." mark spoke, looking at the human doll from head to toe.

"nah. i'm the only one." donghyuck smiled. "it's a bit sad, since i have no one to talk with or anything."

"you have maria." mark pointed out.

"she's doesn't know about... this." donghyuck gestured to his body. "i'm only a doll for her. and for everyone else, actually... no one knows about my secret..."

mark raised a brow as he noticed the doll frowning.

"hey, i know your secret now." mark spoke gently, in attempt to reassure the saddened boy.

"yeah. and i guess you'll just tell it to your sister, and then she'll throw me away because it's scary and weird, just like my past owners did..."

mark approached the boy when he saw him getting even sadder. "i won't say anything if you don't want me to. i can keep it a secret."

"you can do that for me?" the doll's face lit up immediately as he looked at mark with puppy eyes. mark noticed how well he had applied his makeup.

"of course." mark nodded.

"god, thank you so much!" the doll jumped into mark's arms, hugging the boy tightly and making him stumble backwards a bit.

"h-huh..." mark let out, not hugging the boy back.

"oh, sorry." the doll pulled away, blushing a bit. "i tend to be touchy when i'm in my human form..."

"it's alright." mark coughed. "so... why had you transformed now?"

"to change my make up, and brush my hair." the doll answered. "how do you think i keep my hair perfect and my make up on fleek? it needs to be done almost every day!"

mark stayed silent as he looked at the doll-boy combing his blonde hair with his hand.

when donghyuck was done, he looked at mark silently too, and both boys shared a long eye-contact.

mark and his panicked inner-gay was the first one to break it.

"s-so... what will you do now?" he asked, looking away.

"i don't know. maria didn't bring me to her sleepover, so, i still have some time to do whatever comes to my mind." he smiled brightly. "what about you? weren't you late for classes?"

mark froze for a second when he heard donghyuck's words.

so, this doll was aware of everything he did? like, every single thing?

this was both scary and embarrassing...

"i thought i was, but turns out the teacher is absent, so i only have class this afternoon." mark explained.

"so, you're going to stay with me?" donghyuck asked, flashing mark a gummy smile and adding puppy eyes.

"huh..." mark stared at the boy's beautifully mesmerizing features. "i was planning on going back to sleep..."

"oh... i wanted you to stay with me..." the doll pouted.

"i'm not maria... i don't... play with dolls..." mark spoke slowly, trying not to hurt the boy.

"o-oh..." donghuck's pout intensified as his whole face saddened, making mark panic internally.

"but... i guess i can stay with you..." he was quick to add, making donghyuck's face light-up again.

"for real?!" the doll exclaimed.

"well..." mark sighed, accepting against his will.

"you're so cool!" donghyuck giggled as he clinged onto mark's arm. "can you take me out? i want to see the neighbourhood!"

mark sighed again.

he was still wondering if he was ever going to wake up from this strange dream.

but he accepted anyway.

baby doll - nct, markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now