🎀 15 🎀

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"i really needed this break. i can't deal with school anymore." yuta declared, jumping on the nearby couch with a loud sigh.

"who can?" doyoung snorted.

"right, no one." yuta nodded, now sitting properly on the furniture.

the group of friends had decided to celebrate their first day of holiday at the city's arcade, where they often spent afternoons when they needed to relax before their stressing classes. but right now, they were there simply to have fun, to forget about the stressing life they all lived at school.

"what would you guys like? i'm going to order some drinks." taeyong declared, pulling his wallet out.

"coke!" "lemonade!" johnny and ten answered at the same time, startling the whole group.

"lemonade too." jungwoo added in a much calmer voice.

"same." doyoung stated.

taeil lifted his arm to wrap it around doyoung's shoulders. "make it four."

"yuta?" taeyong turned his head to look at the japanese male who was sprawled out on the arcade's couch.

"apple juice!!" he exclaimed with a stupid smile.

"yeah, for me too." mark nodded.

"okay. do i have everyone's order?" taeyong asked, counting the drinks he needed to order on his fingers. "a coke, four lemonades, two apple juices, and... we're missing someone. jaehyun?"

"i'm not thirsty."

jaehyun's bored answer caught the attention of all the boys.

the korean male was leaning against a wall, looking uninterestedly at his nails while ignoring all of his friends.

"come on, you were just complaining minutes ago because none of us had anything to drink." ten tsked.

"i had a bottle of water. why didn't you ask me?" taeyong told, making jaehyun huff in annoyance.

"i don't want anything from you." he told, his eyes looking the opposite way.

"don't tell me you two are still fighting..." yuta sighed, now sitting up properly on the couch. "you guys are so immature..."

"this was weeks ago, come on..." jungwoo rolled his eyes.

jaehyun snorted. "well, sometime people need more than just weeks."

"you're ridiculous fighting like kids when you two are such close friends... you two need to speak it out like always, and everything will get better. so, this is why jaehyun will go with taeyong to order drinks." doyoung explained, having witnessed too many of their fights not to know how to act.

"he's a big boy. i'm sure he knows how to order drinks on his own." jaehyun told, crossing his arms over his chest.

"sure, but he'll need help to carry 9 glasses full of liquid. and he'll need a strong boy for that." taeil replied, making his boyfriend nod next to him.

jaehyun sighed, giving mark a glance. the younger boy gave jaehyun a small smile, mouthing the words 'they're right' to encourage jaehyun going there.

the korean male rolled his eyes one last time before walking past taeyong towards the arcade's bar. he turned around after a few steps, raising a brow as he noticed taeyong was still in his previous spot.

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