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"let's gooooo!" donghyuck exclaimed as he ran towards the front door, pulling mark by his wrist.

"wait!" mark shouted.

donghyuck ignored him, opening the front door. "i haven't been outside in ages, i'm so- "

before he could slip out, mark pulled him away and slammed the door shut again.

"you said you would take me out..." the doll-boy said with puppy eyes.

"i am taking you out, but not in those clothes."

"huh? what's wrong with them? i look pretty." donghyuck's brows furrowed as he spun around to show his outfit.

"you sure look good, but it's fall, and you're going to freeze to death wearing only shorts and a thin tshirt." mark explained.

"oh..." donghyuck nodded slowly, looking at his feet to find a solution. "can you lend me some clothes then? i don't have anything else to wear."

mark sighed, looking at the doll who was once again doing puppy eyes. "fine... let's go to my room."


"woah, mark! look! a fluffy puppy!"

"yeah..." mark rolled his eyes as donghyuck ran to the small animal which was running around the park.

"puppy! puppy!" donghyuck ran after it, giggling like a little kid.

mark sat down on a bench, keeping an eye on his sister's human doll while he chased the poor puppy.

he was wondering why things like those happened to him...

were those things even real? were dolls supposed to be able to become human?

he had been wondering if he was dreaming for a long time, but he kept pinching himself, and he didn't wake up, so he assumed that it was, indeed, reality.

"mark..." donghyuck whined loudly, walking towards mark dragging his feet. "the puppy doesn't want to play with me."

"it's because it thinks you're chasing it." mark explained.

"but i'm not. i want to pet it." donghyuck pouted.

mark sighed.

donghyuck looked cute pouting like this.

actually, he was pretty, but this was normal since he was a doll, right?

and mark liked the way his clothes fit on him. he even wondered how donghyuck could pull out his joggers this well. mark looked like a homeless when he wore them, but they were complementing donghyuck's forms perfectly. and the sweater he had lent donghyuck was too big for him, obliging the doll to pull the sleeves up every now and then, making him even cuter than he intended to be.


both boys were startled by a barking sound next to them.

"oh! puppy!" donghyuck jumped in excitement at the sight of the white fluffball wiggling its tail in front of them.

"stop, you're going to scare it." mark warned, gripping donghyuck's arm to prevent the doll from jumping on the little creature immediately.


mark let go donghyuck's arm and approached the dog, crouching next to it.

"hello pup, how are you doing?" he asked, holding his hand out to caress the animal.

baby doll - nct, markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now